Chapter 11: Ayla

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She's home sickness and a loving home at the same time


A day into the second week of our stay in Seoul, and the first episode had already aired last night.
Our introduction videos were uploaded a day after we had filmed them, and the teaser was released two days ago.

The Kardashians might work hard, but the editing staff of "the history in us" worked harder to keep up with the schedule.

No participant went into the show expecting it to blow up, at least none of us seemed to push themselves into the spotlight when we filmed, but seeing the response from different age groups worldwide was still enjoyable. Especially the response from the four countries our participants were from.

Episode 2: what in the Echo?

The individuals followed their tasks, such as studying the day throughout the day before everyone gathered back in the living room for group activities.

The unbreakable pair, Ayla and Jonghyun, were seated on their claimed favorite spot on the garden couch. Rarely seen without his notebook whenever he was spending time in the garden, making everyone curious about what precious information that notebook carries within; Jonghyun was scribbling into his minor treasured possession. His other half, Ayla, with her head resting on his lap, was reading something on her phone, focused so deep into the words she was taking in.

A soft melody began to echo through the house out to the garden.

She is claiming the attention of everyone.

"As some of you know, the whispering game has become beloved in recent years. So to test your teamwork and patience, you'll play the game in 4 pairs", assistant Lee announced, holding up the headphones that Taehyun and Naeun collected.

The pairs of Tala and Ayla, Faras and Tatho, and Mina and Naeun managed to guess between 2 and three words in the assigned 60 seconds.

"Wow, I can't hear anything!"

"Can I dance to this? Would you mind putting the music a bit louder"

"I haven't heard this song in ages!"

Next up, we had the cousin pair: Taehyun and Jonghyun.

Taehyun, who was in charge of reading the words of the cards that Faras was holding up: "EXO" Naturally, he started shouting each of the syllables.

"E! X! O!"

„Wasn't that a part of Exo's lyrics too?" Mina commented in the back to the others, the two cousins unaware of the conversations around them.

Confusion wrote over Jonghyun's face; he just looked at his cousin dumbfounded: "Huh?" "Mwo?" (what?)

With a deep breath, Taehyun started shouting each syllable again and his short-tempered attempt managed to get everyone laughing.


Jonghyun's only response: a tilted head with blinking eyes. Unsure of speaking out before he does:


Hysterical laughter erupted in the room at Jonghyun's laughter, the poor guy looking around with a smile, unaware of his wrong guess.

"EXO YOU FREAKING IDIOT!!", Taehyun shouted in frustration, making the group laugh even harder, the staff members in the back joining in as well.

"Why are you screaming at me?! I told you, it's ECHO!" Jonghyun shouted back at his cousin, and their time was up. A tear from the laughter had escaped Tatho's eye witnessing these two.

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