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Tubbos' hooves hit a puddle as he ran, damping his left leg. But that was the last of his worries. He pumped his legs as hard as he could, adrenaline coursing through his body. His wet hair stuck to his head, his ram ears tense against his skull.


It was raining heavily making it difficult to see but Tubbo had to keep running. The threatening barks behind him made Tubbo yelp, a sheep ba mixing with it. As much as his instinct screamed at him to look back, he knew better. He just focused in front of him and tried desperately to outrun the mutant pack of bloodthirsty wolves.

Tubbo made a sharp turn, but he knew it was a mistake as soon as it happened. He slipped on mud and shrieked as he made contact with the swampy ground. He knew he was more than vulnerable and didn't waste a second as quickly scrambled to get up. But he was panicking and his slippery hooves couldn't find supportive ground.

Tubbos breath hitched as the realization sunk in. He pushed himself backwards as he looked up and saw the horrifying site of multiple piers of glowing, hungry, red eyes in the distance, coming closer by the second. Tubbo trembled and his muscles froze but he wouldn't give up, he didn't want to go out in such a cowardly way.


He took a deep breath and steady his shaking self as he quickly got up. He then bolted, keeping his breath as steady as he could. He had to find somewhere to hide, there was no way he could outrun the beasts.

He has to think, and fast. He heard another loud snarl and growl from not behind him. He whimpered, trying to rank his brain for any ideas. But his mind just screamed at him to run outa pure fear. Who knows what would happen when Tubbo finally got tired, the adrenaline wearing off. The beasts would probably rip him apart, piece by piece.

Tubbo felt a shiver go down a spine at the thought. He tried not to think of it as he took another turn, being careful this time. He took several more twists and turns, trying to disappear into the dark, deep forest.

Soon, he only heard the soft tump of his hooves, his own heavy breathing, and the pitter patter of hard rain coming down from the gloomy gray sky. He started to slow down, relief flooding through him. He finally stopped running, racking my hand through his soggy brown hair.

He leaned over and rested on his knees, trying to steady his breathing.

You're alive. It's ok. You did it.

That was the only thing running through his head. But this moment of relief was short-lived. A deep menacing growl made Tubbo freeze, his heart stopping.

I took every bit of confidence in Tubbo to turn his head in the direction of the horrifying sound. His eyes locked with a pair of blood red glowing eyes, hiding in a bush. Tubbos whole body tensed, fear coming flooding back like a tsunami.


And that's what he tried so desperately to do. He yelled at his brain to move his legs. But he couldn't. He was paralyzed with fear. The creature took this as an opportunity, and pounced from its hiding spot.

Tubbo was broken out of his trance almost immediately, breaking into a sprint.

Pain exploded out of his leg, Tubbo yelled out in pure and utter agony. The sharp claws of the beast found a home in the back of Tubbos leg, tearing past his thick layer of fur and ripping his delicate skin wide open. He fell to the ground, face first. He quickly whipped himself upright. trembling as his eyes made contact with the back of his leg. There was a giant gash, dark red blood pouring on the ground, making a small puddle.

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