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"Daddy daddy! Come on!!" A mini version of Tubbo enthusiastically yelled to his father.

His father chuckled, smiling softly as his son tugged on his arm. Tubbo looked back at his father, his big blue eyes sparkling as he pointed at something.

"Ok, ok, slow down bud." His father gently took the small hand on his arm and put it into his own hand. He allowed Tubbo to pull him towards the jewel his son was so enthusiastic about.

Tubbo let go of his fathers hand and jumped up and down, unable to contain his excitement as he looked up at a wooden stand, his small fluffy tail wagging uncontrollably. His father raised an eyebrow as he peered in the stand. He instantly smiled when he spotted it.

There was a handmade fluffy plush bee in someone's stand.

He looked down at his son, who was still jumping up and down, a beaming smile on his face. He just couldn't say no. But, being a single father, they were tight on money. Little innocent Tubbo didn't need to know that, and he never would.

"Daddy look! It's a bee! I love bees!!" Tubbo let out a happy sheep noise after his comment. Schlatt let out a sigh of defeat, as he caved. Tubbos 5th birthday was soon.. so it all worked out.

Shlatt playfully ruffled Tubbos fluffy brown hair. "Ok Tubs. We can get you the bee." He couldn't help but smile at what this simple statement did to his overjoyed son. Tubbo exploded with excitement as he said a jumble of excited goat noises and words Shlatt couldn't understand and happily hugged his father.


Tubbo awakens with a startle, jumping up from his sleeping position. He felt a sharp pain from his leg as soon as he moved it. He yelped and looked down to see his leg all bandaged up.

The memories started to flood back, as he squeezed his eyes shut. Red glowing eyes stuck in his brain, the memories of his life flashing before his eyes, and the unforgettable agonizing pain that exploded from his leg.

Ha! How fitting, it was almost like the scar on your fa-

He took a deep breath and calmed himself, his leg still throbbing. He tried to ignore it, which was proven difficult.

When he opened his eyes, he took a look at his surroundings. It had stopped raining, the sun just coming up. The sky was a soft but mesmerizing soft pink. He was under a huge tree, the leaves were a variety of colors. They all were swaying with the soft breeze. Vines hung from the tree, and bright yellow flowers bloomed from them. Under the tree was completely shaded, a quiet, gentle breeze made the air feel cool. He softly smiled at the calming scene.

He then softly and cautiously sat up, looking around for the mysterious big man. But he was nowhere to be seen. Tubbo yawned and stretched his muscles, careful to not jerk his leg. His ear twitched when he heard a strange noise, then the big man appeared a few feet in front of him, outa thin air.

Tubbo jumped, letting out a startled sheep noise. The big man jumped as well, his whole body tensing up as he looked down at Tubbo. He almost dropped all the abundance of colorful fruit outta his hands.

"O-oh! ehm.. I-" the big man started but snapped his mouth, he looked startled. Tubbo tried to steady his racing heart as he looked up at the big man.

"Who are you!?" Tubbo shouted, his voice dry and scratchy. Tubbo scrunched his eyebrows together, trying to look intimidating. He had no idea who or.. what this thing was.

The big man curled into himself, he looked uncomfortable as his pointy ears lowered. Something else caught Tubbos eye, he noticed he had a tail. It was wrapped around the big man's right leg. It was small and thin, but at the end was a fluffy of white and black hair. He looked up at the big man that seemed scared, his eyes darting back and forth like he was having a war with himself. Guilt consumed Tubbo, this man saved his life, he's being quite rude.

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