Chapter Twenty Six

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It was if the whole earth had stopped turning, every color and sound leeched away until nothing but that one word rang through the air like a siren. Every head moved slowly to look at the edge of the cliff in unexplainable horror.

Before Arya had time to think her arm shot out to steady Levi's horse, where he was already crouched on top of his saddle. The moment her hand touched the reins he was airborne, throwing himself over her head and into the gorge below.

With no trees or buildings around to use as an anchor point, Levi twisted around midair and with a whirling pop and extended his ODM cables into the hardened lip of the slope. Maneuvering himself into a wide swing he extended his arm and grabbed Connie roughly around his waist.

But the added weight of two people was too much, and the steel barbs at the ends of the cables began to loosen from the soft earth. Without thinking Arya threw herself from her horse and dove onto the cable bases, holding them in place with all her might. She felt them fighting to pull from the ground as they tried to support both Levi and Connie on their retraction; pieces of metal wire digging so deeply into her hands that they drew blood.

A blast of air pushed passed her as the two men came flying over the lip of the canyon and toppled onto the ground. She barely had enough time to pull her hands away before the cables whipped from the dirt and back into Levi's holsters. Holding her hands painfully against her chest, she looked around wildly.

Connie was already on his horse, galloping at a frenzy towards the others, who were still rooted to the spot in fear.

No... It couldn't be... They had watched as Eren blasted the titans off the face of the earth as he died. The 9 were gone, the pure titans were no more. They didn't exist anymore, except in memories and nightmares. Nonetheless, from a lifetime of instinct Jean and Armin whipped around and took off, smoothly transitioning to a loose battle formation as they tore away, preparing themselves for a fight.

With trembling and bloodied hands Arya reached for the holsters at her sides, slamming them into her scabbards and drawing out the now attached steel-pressed blades. Her heart was slamming into her ribcage and rushing air clogged her ears.

She had heard every story there was on titan fights; had watched the colossal's dreaded march in the Rumbling and had even assisted in cleaning up titan remains after the battle in Stohess. But she had never come face to face with one in a fight. It was so close beneath her feet, only dirt and rock standing between her and it's gaping mouth, one that would surely devour her now. She couldn't defeat this. This was so far beyond her that all she could do was stand there frozen, awaiting her death.

Out of the darkness that was surrounding her vision a hand reached out to her, closing gentle but firm around her raised wrist. Ripping her gaze from the ground she saw Levi's face above her on horseback, swimming blurrily in front of her.

"Ride now, fight later."

His expression was piercing; both good and bad eye boring into her with protective urgency. Whatever connection they had created weeks prior on the training grounds rushed back fast and strong, freeing her body from its frozen state. Sound came back and her head cleared, making way for the mind of a soldier.

Arya didn't need to look around to know that her horse had bolted; she could feel its thundering hooves racing away from her. With a hard pull Levi lifted her into the air and onto the back of his horse where she wrapped one arm tightly around his waist, the other grasped firmly around her hilts. His horse leapt into motion and barreled away from the titan towards their comrades.

Physical touch seemed to amplify the energy surrounding them, and by the time they were closing in on the stragglers Arya was ready for a fight.

5 meters before they came up on their commanding officer, Armin pulled up short and stopped dead in his tracks. They blew passed him, Levi swearing harshly as he whipped their horse around and came to an abrupt halt.

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