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 Here's a little story about the last name I gave to the Aftons. It didn't sit right with people just calling out like, "Hey, Afton-kun!" that sounds wrong to me 💀. The word "Chibana" means "a thousand blossoms". Why did I chose this as the last name? It goes with the book title which is "spider lily" in Japanese. 


˜"*°•.˜"*°• Elizabeth Chibana (Afton)

Quirk: Demon

Elizabeth gains mutations such as horns, fangs, wings, and a slim tail along with the ability to control and create clouds at her will. She can control whatever the cloud does meaning she can make rain clouds, thunder clouds, and she is able to strike lightning from the sky. 

Drawbacks: When Elizabeth pushes past her limit of making clouds, she will lose moisture in her body, sometimes resulting in headaches or migraines.

 Elizabeth also gains small problematic habits. For example she likes chewing things and her anger can cause her to go somewhat berserk. You'll see what that means.

Birthday: 10/9 (November 9th)

Height: 157cm (5'1)

Blood Type: A

Likes: Quiet Places




8:35 AM

  Elizabeth stood out from her family. Not because she acts different. She looks different. Almost a carbon copy of her grandmother, Elizabeth has has bright, flowy orange hair with black lines showing through here and there. Her eyes were green-turquoise, big and round in shape. Much to the dismay of her family, all these similarities made her entitled as her grandmother's favourite.

  Born in Loa, Utah with a population of only about 600 people she doesn't like loud, crowded places as she didn't grow up with them. Moving to Japan certainly helped with that. Now residing in the Saitama Prefecture in Japan, it is now Elizabeth's first day of kindergarten. To say she was nervous would be an understatement. She was sweating bullets and practically shaking.

 "Uhm.. Mommy? I don't wanna go to school no more." Elizabeth let go of her mother's hand and tried to run away from the class entrance. Unfortunately for Elizabeth, a 5 year old has stubby, short legs. Her mother did not. It's easy to say this wasn't a challenge. For her mother.

 "No! You're going to school whether you like it or not. All you do is sit on the couch doing nothing but watching cartoons! Look at you! You are getting fat! You have no friends, you need to socialize." Rin; Elizabeth's mother was not one to stand down during an argument. Especially if it was with one of her family members.

 "But why do I gotta go to school? Is no fun!" Rin had the perfect answer for that.

 "If you don't go to school, you gon' be on my couch in 20 years! And I don't want that. I'm gonna have to send you away and because you didn't go to school, you have no job! No job, no money! No money, no food! No food means you get skinny! You know your cousin right?" Elizabeth nodded, "Well, she's so skinny the only boys she gets are the anime boys she draws with her little stick fingers! You wanna go to school now?" Elizabeth nodded again, faster than before as she now feared the woman in front of her. They were now once again in front of the classroom.

. Kumo░no░Yuri (隠ゴ代). FNAF x BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now