Chapter 12 - And Now?!

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I could hardly believe what I was doing here, but it was too late to stop. My body had never reacted to a person like this before. I was in a state of intoxication.

I wrapped my leg around his waist and pulled him even closer to me. Every inch of air between us was too much.

The pressure in my pants was unbearable but I wanted more. Therefore I began to rub against the long-haired, hoping that it would do me some relief.

Suddenly he grabbed my other leg as well and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Still kissing passionately. A dance of tongues. He tasted so good. Somehow like sandalwood.

He moaned against my lips and pressed me even harder against the wall. Which made me more aroused.

I circled my hips and realized I couldn't hold on much longer. The excitement had taken all my strength for itself.

"To the bed," I moaned between his lips and he didn't hesitate.

Not letting go of me for a second he made his way towards the bed with me in his arms.

Suddenly we fell but Hyunjin reacted quickly and immediately supported himself to the left and right of my head so that I wouldn't take all his weight. Unfortunately, our lips separated, causing me to whine.

With a little shock in our eyes, we looked at each other until we finally burst out laughing.

"I didn't see that coming," he chortled and I marveled at his laughter. It was beautiful.

His face turned back to a serious expression and his glance sent a pleasant shiver down my spine. He started playing with my hair.

I became aware of the situation we were in and my cheeks turned red for the thousandth time.

I was laying underneath with him between my legs.

"Hyunnie...", my voice was barely audible.

I lifted my hand and placed it against his cheek. In response, he closed his eyes and gently leaned into the touch.

He opened them again and looked deep into my eyes and lowered his lips to mine again.

It was a gentle kiss, but it quickly heated up. The passion had quickly caught up with us and my brain shut down.

I couldn't think straight anymore, because all I felt was him. Everywhere.

He began to caress my neck and finally focused on my earlobe. He bit and sucked and drove me insane.

I gave up trying to suppress my moans, was getting louder and louder.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and pressed him against my erection. He moaned loudly against my ear and bit into my neck.

The bite made me scream in pleasure, the sweet pain welcome.

Hyunjin began thrusting his hips and continued to work my neck. He spread kisses towards my collarbone and finally concentrated my nipple.

I thought he would stay there, but he left a trail of kisses along my abs.

I looked down and his eyes briefly locked on mine. A mischievous grin appeared and he let his fingers slowly trail along my waistband.

*He doesn't want to, does he?!*

Lightly he tugged at it and waited for a reaction. As if in a trance, I slightly lifted my hips so he could free me from it.

To my disappointment, he only took off my pants, but the disappointment didn't last long, because he positioned himself in front of my erection, which now tightly pressed against the boxer shorts.


I spread kisses to Felix's abs and couldn't help but admire him. He was so damn hot lying under me.

I wanted everything from him. Taste him.

I noticed that he was looking down and I returned the gaze. I was waiting for any rejection, but I could probably wait endlessly. His somehow misty eyes were full of desire.

*Aha I don't know this look yet.*

I had to grin and stroked his waistband with my fingers.

*They are disturbing. They must go. *

I gently tugged and waited to see if he would go for it, and he did.

I took off his pants and positioned myself in front of his member. Unfortunately, there was still a piece of fabric in between, but I wanted to take my time. Not to rush anything.

I looked back up and his gaze rested on me, like a prey waiting for my next move.

I lowered my gaze back to his member, which was barely twitching in his boxers. They were slightly wet from the precum, even hadn't touched him yet.

I put my hand over his member, still the boxers in between, and he groaned.

I looked back up, because I didn't want to miss how he reacted to my touch.

He pressed the back of his hand against his mouth and was biting into it to somehow suppress his moan. It didn't work.

Slowly, I massaged his member, stroking up and down. My own cock twitched with desire but needed to wait. It was all about him.

I licked my lips and gently bit his shaft, making him moan even more.

He started to push his hips against my hand.

"Please Hyunjin..." he begged me, which turned me on even more.

I let go and directly got a whimper of protest from him.

Gently, I grabbed the waistband of the boxers and slowly pulled them down.

All of a sudden, I paused.

*Shit, was that the door?*

I heard laughter in the hallway and froze.

All hell broke loose.

Felix was the one who reacted first and immediately jumped up and grabbed his clothes.

"Shit!" Where's my shirt!!!" he shouted in panic and rummaged through everything.

I found mine and his was underneath. I threw it at him and looked at him terrified.

What now?

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