Chapter 39 - Morning Glory

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The morning dawned and I was awakened by the sun rays through the window. Defensively, I squinted my eyes and wanted to hold my hand out to protect it.

*Hmmm? Why can't I move my left arm?*

Cautiously, I turned to the side. Averted from the sun, I opened my eyes and looked into the face of an angel.

Felix seemed to be still asleep, because his facial features were relaxed. He was breathing calmly and his mouth was slightly open. The sight of him made me smile.

*How sweet*

I took the time to look at him more closely.

His heart-shaped lips that always brought a smile, his cute little nose that perfectly matched his narrow face, his almond-shaped eyes that had a warm caramel tone.

His flawless skin that shimmered gold through the morning sun and made a fascinating contrast to his sparkling freckles.

The soft, blond hair....

My hand, which was not under Felix's head, reached to Felix's face. Without thinking, I stroked a strand from his face.

He seemed so innocent. And yet, thinking of yesterday, he had been anything but innocent. How he had lain under me, sweaty and moaning my name, asking for more.

At that moment, everything was so peaceful and I wished he never woke up. My heart beat faster as I thought of all that could happen if he opened his eyes.

*What if I was too rough? What if he regrets it...?

The anxiety grew and a lump formed in my throat.

Then suddenly Felix's eyes twitched and he opened them thoughtfully.

My heart skipped a beat and for what felt like an eternity I saw no movement in his sleepy face.

*Shit, did he really regret it?*

But when he started to smile, gently blew me a kiss and spoke:

"Morning Sunshine," my heart soared.

I took a deep breath, realizing that I had been holding my breath, and all tension was released.

I also smiled and had to admit that his morning voice was even deeper than usual and extremely hot.

He seemed oblivious to my inner dilemma as he continued to smile and snuggle into my arm.

"Good morning, baby...", I replied a little late and pressed a kiss on the top of his head.

In response, he pressed himself even closer to me and that's when I realized that we were both still naked.

Immediately something in my nether region reacted and uneasily I slid back a little. Felix seemed to realize that something was wrong, but couldn't tell what at the first moment.

He looked up at me and asked me why I was restless, whether I was all right.

As if spellbound, I stared into his eyes and the atmosphere abruptly changed.

Independently, my head moved in his direction and our lips crashed together.

Immediately, fireworks exploded inside me. We kissed and held each other embraced. With my tongue I stroked his lower lip and demanded admission. Immediately his lips opened and our tongues met. Our breath mixed and immediately I perceived his sweet taste.

We pressed against each other, each breathing the air of the other and when our now hard limbs touched each other, we both moaned.

As we continued to kiss passionately and rub against each other, our horniness robbed us of any ability to think.

I released our lips, kissed and sucked on his neck. Left hickeys and finally turned to his ear. With my tongue I licked at his earlobe bit into it and also let my tongue tip slide into his ear.

Finally I murmured:

"Let's continue in the shower...", I received no answer but only a dreamy nod.

Holding his hand I pulled him to his feet anddragged him behind me into the bathroom.

It's kind of a True Story ENGNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ