Chapter 19 - Daddy?!

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Finally, I had the feeling that my live is taking a turn. After I had shown my choreo to Felix, it was published afterwards. And hell yes, was I proud.

Because I had shown a strong sexy streak, Bang Chan out of nowhere said, he had a suprise for me.

During the Howl of Harmony episodes, he showed me his music and I was immediately hooked.

We sat together in the bathroom and talked about what we wanted to do:

"I want it to be an elegant sexy, you know not a soft one, but more wild and hard. Do you understand what I mean?", Bang Chan asked me with a question mark in his eyes.

"Yes absolutely. I've always wanted to do something like that. You know when you have trouble with your own thoughts?", I continued and Felix automatically popped up in my mind.

I had trouble with my thoughts, because the little boy with the freckles kept getting lost in them.

*Why do I also have to think of Felix during a discussion about a song?*

"Right, and then you know, the situation when my body doesn't listen to my head," Bang Chan continued, gently stroking the surface of the water with his hands.

This comment made me blush.

*My body didn't listen to my brain, that's exactly what got me into this shitty situation with Felix in the first place!*

My face was getting hotter and hotter and it was not because of the hot water.

*Shit, what if someone notices something?*

*Quick! A distraction!*

As if called, Bang Chan asked what was crawling on his back.

"Wuaah you have a cicada on your back!", I yelled and tried to remove it, obviously disgusted by the insect.

With this distraction, I was able to calm down a bit and we looked for more ideas for the song.


The members knew we were working on a song and would do an MV too. Therefore, I spent more time with our leader and needless to say, we really enjoyed ourselves.

But I noticed, that since I showed him the video of my choreo, Felix was a bit weird. Again.

Because as he returned the stick the next day, he was somehow confused and offhand. He did say that the choreo was good, but he thrusted the stick into my hand like it was a hot potato and fled.

"Hyunzales?", Bang Chan called me by my nickname, which made me grin.

"What Daddy?", I returned, amused and sat down with him.

We were in the dance studio practicing and the other members were there too. At first, we all rehearsed together. However, me and Chan wanted to stay a little longer to practice our choreo to our song.

A movement in the corner of my eye made me look up and I saw Felix looking at me with a petrified expression.

*What was wrong with him? Did I say something wrong?*

He quickly turned around and went out with the others. On his way out, he stubbed his little toe on the door frame and was swearing like a trooper in the hallway. That causes me to smile.

"Felix can be cute when he's angry, can't he?", Bang Chan looked at me smirking, which made me blush right away.

"I don't know what you mean," I mumbled, searching for my phone.

I thought I heard a "who'd believe it", but he just kept talking about our choreo.

After hours of intense dance practice, I was exhausted and glad to finally press my tired eyes into the pillow.

My thoughts drifted back to Felix and his strange behavior lately, but slowly I slipped into the land of dreams.


I didn't know how to react normal while giving back the stick to Hyunjin.

*Oh shoot Felix! He doesn't know that you jerked off while watching his video!*

*Shut up you devil in my head!*

I tousled my hair and walked circles in the room.

*Now just give him the flash drive and pretend you're busy.*

I angrily grabbed the flash drive and rushed out of the room. Hyunjin was in the living room. I could hear his laugh. I walked into the room, stopped right in front of him, and held out the stick.

I tried to look him in the eye, but couldn't hold it for long.

"I-It really is amazing!", I almost shouted, threw the stick into his lap and walked away immediately.

It took me a few days to digest the whole thing and then I tried to pretend like nothing happened.

To my surprise, it worked until I heard what Chris and Jinnie were up to.

*A sexy video? The two of them? But... what if they...?*

I quickly shook off the thought and tried to occupy myself elsewhere. But it became more and more difficult to ignore the two, because they spend the whole time together!


During our dance exercises I noticed how the two looked at each other, whispered and grinned all the time. Besides, every time they continued practicing alone until late at night.

*But I am still here! How dare he ignores me like that! Does he have to be so close to Chan all the time?*

Today again, they kept putting their heads together and whispering. It was still driving me crazy!

All of a sudden, I heard Bang Chan call Jinnie by his nickname, Hyunzales.

"What daddy?"

*Da-DADDY?! Shit, what was going on with them? Is there something going on between them? I guess I wasn't good enough, now he has to bang the leader, really!?*

Completely upset, I stared at the two, sitting next to each other on the floor, having a good time. I aggressively grabbed the water bottle, still staring at the two as I took a sip.

The laughter of the other members snapped me out of my anger and I instantly closed off my emotions and my face froze. Just the right moment, because suddenly Hyunjin looked at me and I noticed that he slightly furrowed his eyebrows.

*Yes! Just ask yourself why I'm still here and not gone yet, so you can enjoy your time!*

I tried not to stomp off like a bull and went after the others who were already leaving.

On my way out I was extremely angry and accidentally stubbed my little toe on the door frame. The pain made me see stars for a moment.

"Fuck! Fucking shit! Fuck door frame!!! Shit!!!"

*Fucking Hyunjin!*

"Fuck fuck fuck!", I hopped out on one foot and held my toe.

*Why does it have to hurt so fucking much? And that fucking toe hurts too. But not as hard as the two lovebirds in the dance studio.


My anger faded somewhat by the time we arrived at the dorm, but instead of anger I was overcome with sadness.

I made the excuse that I was tired and went to bed while the others stayed up a bit longer.

That night I silently cried myself to sleep, hoping that my tears would wash away the sadness and bring a better tomorrow.

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