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The sun shines into a small room. Not much was in the room: a small white dresser, a full length mirror, a double bed. As the sun shines through the room, a woman peers into the room from the doorway. In the bed there is a small boy, only 5 years old, curled up in a ball. In the boys hand is a stuffed rabbit in butler attire; the boy holding tightly to it. Walking quietly to the bed, she slowly sits on the edge.

"Ciel, sweet boy. Its time to wake up." She gently put her hand on his head, playing with his blue hair. The boy began to stir. Rubbing his eyes, he let out a big yawn and began to stretch his arms.

"Mmmph, I dont want to," he whined. Letting out  a chuckle his mother patted his stomach.

"Come on, Ciel, its the first day of school!"

The boy shot straight up, a bright smile on his face and eyes shining. He quickly hugged his mom, squealed and jumped out of bed. Running to the dress he began throwing clothes all over the place, he had to find the right first day of school outfit.

"Honey! Dont make a mess, I already set out an outfit for you. Its right here." Rachel, his mother, grabbed the outfit from on top of the dresser. Since the boy was so small he couldnt see it up there. He jumps up and down and grabs the clothes and skips to the bathroom.

His toothbrush in hand, he begins to brush his teeth. He looks at the clothes his mom has picked out for him. A nice pair of black slacks, a light blue button up that complemented his two toned eyes perfectly, and a slick blazer, but nothing too formal. He spun around with excitement, and spit his toothpaste out. Quickly rinsing his mouth out he began to get dressed.

Looking at himself in the full length mirror, he pulls up his pant legs and slips on some socks and puts on his new Velcro Sketcher. Giving his foot a stomp, the red, yellow, and blue light come to life on the midsole of the sneaker. Giving a final once over to make sure everything was prim and proper, he gave himself a nod, and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

"Well, well, good morning handsome!" His father, Vincent, said from behind the kitchen island. Ciel flashed a big smile and hopped up onto the bar stool and placed his hands folded onto the counter.

"Good morning dad! Whats for breakfast?" Lifting himself from the stool he peeks at the plate in front of Vincent. His favorite, scrambled eggs, pancakes, and 4 pieces of bacon. Wiggling in his seat he waits for his dad to place the plate in front of him.

"Hey, no cheating," his father jokes to him. "I knew you would love your favorite breakfast on such a big day. Dont eat too fast or youll upset your tummy."

Naturally, Ciel didnt listen to his father. He began scarfing down the food, barely taking anytime to breathe in between each bite. With a very full mouth he asks his mother for some orange juice, which she had already started to pour. She placed the glass next to his plate and he began to chug it down. Placing the glass down he finished the last few bites of his very delicious breakfast.

Rachel takes his empty plate and cup as Ciel jumps down from the stool. He runs to the front door to grab his Starry Night inspired backpack and slings it over his shoulder. Turning around to face his parent, his lunch in his dads hands, he strikes a pose knowing his mom is wanting to take his picture.

Once in the car, Vincent pulls out of the driveway a begins to drive to Ciels school. Though the drive was only 10 minutes from his house, Ciel waited for what felt like an eternity for his parents to pull into the school parking lot. As soon as the car was parked, Ciel began to unbuckle himself from his booster seat-since ever for a 5 year old he was very short for his age.

Rachel turned around to look at her son with tears in her eyes, knowing that everything is going to change now. All the drama, all the homework, all the craziness that went into elementary school was about to begin. She could hardly believe that her little boy was beginning school already!

"Oh Vincent, look at our darling boy. I cant believe we send him off to school now!" She wipes a tear from her cheek and squeezes her husbands hand with a sad but proud smile.

"Before we know it hell be in high school." Vincent give his very eager son a smile and opens the driver door. Walking around the car he opens Ciels door, giving his hand to the small boy. Ciel jumps out of the car, backpack on and ready to go. He gives a final hug to each of his parents before running to the playground.

"Bye mom and dad, I'll see you later!" And just like that, he was gone and heading to the swings.

"I can't believe, hes going to grow up so fast," Rachel clings to her husband as she sniffles, holding back tears. She looks up at him and give him a swift kiss before they get back and the car. With one final look at their little boy, they drive back home.

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