Chapter Two

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A Random Day in First Grade

"Hurry up Sebastian! You're too slow!" Ciel looked behind him as he ran to the picnic tables surrounded by trees. It divided the two playgrounds: one was for kindergarten through second grade, the other known as the blue playground, for the third grade through fifth grade children. Running behind the small boy was Sebastian, not running at his fastest knowing he could easily out run Ciel.

"Ciel, slow down, you're gonna give yourself an asthma attack! Please be careful." Chasing down Ciel, the two boys reach the tables and take a seat. Ciel breathing rather heavily sits next to Sebastian, and rests his head on the taller boys shoulder.

"I haven't had an attack for awhile, I should be okay." Ciel looks up at his friend and smiles as he tries to take deep breathes. Sebastian just shakes his head, knowing Ciel had an attack only two weeks ago, but he didn't say anything about it. The raven haired boy looks up at the pine trees and sighs.

"I'm glad the trees are here. Its really hot today and the sun is really beating down." Turning to look at Ciel, he find the small boy to be focused on the blacktop where some of the students were playing. In particular he was watching Alois. Sebastian poked Ciels cheek, pulling him out of his trance.

"What was that for?!" Ciel gives an annoyed look to his friend. Sebastian without saying a word motions over to Alois, and raised an eyebrow. The bluenette didnt even need his friend to ask the question.

"He's just so mean to me. Ever since the first day of kindergarten, he's been bullying me. In class today he pulled my hair, but the teacher didnt believe me! He pulled it so hard it gave me a headache," the small boy pressed his fingers to his temples. Not only that, he called me ugly because of my eyes.

Sebastian shot a look toward the blonde bully that if Alois saw, he surely would have nightmares for weeks. Quickly turning towards Ciel, he wraps his arms around the small boy, squeezing him tight.

"He's just jealous. His eyes are only blue, but yours are special. The purple is such a gorgeous color, and the blue eye looks like the color of the deepest of seas. They make you different in the best of ways." He smiles down at the boy in his arms. Ciel wraps his arms around him, squeezing himself to his friend, trying to be as close as possible.

"Thank you Sebastian, you're so nice to me." Ciel squeezes his friend one last time before dropping his arms and folding them on the table. Sebastians face flushes a very light pink, almost unnoticeable. He looks down at the boy, his slate blue hair falling on the table as his head rests on his arms. Even though Ciels eye are closed, he was still so beautiful. His round face was matched perfectly with his hair. With such large eyes, his eyelashes are so dark and rests softly on his plump cheeks.

Shutting his eyes, he takes a deep breath, trying to slow his heart rate. He had a strange feeling in his stomach, and he didnt know what it was. Sebastians stomach often felt this way around Ciel, but he didn't know why. He wasn't shy or nervous to be around Ciel but his stomach felt differently. Wondering if Ciel ever got that weird feeling too, he opened his eyes and blew out a breath.

The two boys sat in silence, listening to the wind through the trees around them, the laughs and screams of the other children, and the thumping of their hearts. All of a sudden the bell rings, making the smaller jump slightly.

"You ready to go back inside?" Sebastian asks, rubbing Ciels back trying to bring the boy back into reality. Stretching his arms, Ciel shakes his head no. They both stand and Ciel holds out his hand to Sebastian.

"Let's get going," he grabs the small hand offered to him and they walk that way till they get to the blacktop. Sebastian firmly hands Ciels hand and looks down at their hands together. With a final squeeze they let go of each other and walk to the doors. Although the boys were if different classes this year, Sebastian always walks Ciel to his classroom.

"Have a good rest of the day, I'll see you after school. Dont let Alois get into your head, remember, hes just jealous." Ciel gives him a quick side hug, and smiles with a nod. Waving bye to each other, Ciel heads into the classroom the door shutting behind him. Sebastian takes a deep breath, feeling empty without the weird feeling in his stomach, heads to his classroom and begins to count down the minutes till the final bell rings.

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