Chapter Four

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A Random Day in Thrid Grade

"Just leave me alone, Alois! I didn't even do anything to you!" Ciel shouts at the blonde boy who is using his leg to hold Ciel to the ground, his shin on Ciel's throat causing the small boy to wheeze.

"Oh shut up! I know you like this," Alois shifts his weight causing more pressure to be applied to Ciel's throat. "You're a faggot aren't you? Always hanging around your boyfriend!" Alois laughs at Ciel has he keeps slapping the blondes shin. Gasping for breath, Ciel could tell if this went on any longer he would have an asthma attack.

"Hey, boys! What do you think you're doing?" The outside teacher, Bardroy, begins to walk over to the group, causing Alois friends quickly run away from the situation. Following behind the teach is Sebastian who quickly pushes Alois off of his small friend.

"See, your fag boyfriend always comes to rescue you. How sweet!" Alois shouted as the teacher bang to drag the bully by his arm into the school. Shooting a death glare to Alois, Sebastian quickly turns his attention to Ciel who was wheezing and coughing. He helped Ciel up so he was able to try to take some deep breaths.

"Hey, you're going to be okay. Just listen to my voice and breath." Sebastian run his hand up and down Ciels back trying to get him to focus on his breathing. As the small boy began to get control of his breathing, it was clear to him that he needed to be taken to the nurse. Without even thinking about it, Sebastian scoops the small boy into his arms. Walking towards the doors, he watches as a teacher opens the door for him to bring in Ciel. Quickly but carefully as to not disturb Ciel, he walked to the nurses office.

"Oh dear! What happened? Is Ciel okay?" The nurse screams out as Sebastian sets the small boy down on the cot in the office. Ciel nods, trying to speak but all the other hear are his wheezing breaths.

"He's having an asthma attack, Mr. Finny. He needs his inhaler, can you please get it for him?" Mr. Finny nods to the two boys and quickly leaves the room. Ciel mouths the words thank you to Sebastian, who had nothing but concern at the moment. Sitting next to him, Sebastian puts his hand on Ciels thigh. Not to calm his friend down, but to calm himself. His friend is okay, its nothing more than an asthma attack and he didnt get too hurt.

"Don't listen to a word his said to you. He's wrong, and its mean to call people that word." Sebastian looks over to Ciel who had a very confused face. The bluenette had never heard that word before, let alone what it means. Sebastian did however; his father had called him that many times. He knew what it meant too, but would never tell Ciel. He doesn't need to know such hurtful things, and besides if Ciel did know he would make the situation worse by provoking Alois.

"Here you go Ciel. Be sure to shake it before you inhale." Mr. Finny said handing Ciel his inhaler. Doing as he's told, and done many times before, Ciel pushed down on the button to release his medicine into the air chamber. Taking a deep breath in and out, Ciel begins to breath normally again. Giving the inhaler back to the nurse as the end of lunch bell rings. Ciel turns to Sebastian and gives his friend a nod, letting the taller boy know that he is okay now.

"What even happened that caused you to have an attack in the first place?" Mr. Finny asked while scratching his head.

"Well, what happened wa-" Sebastian was cut off by the small boy.

"I was just running around and ended up going too hard I guess, but I'm okay now." Ciel flashed a sweet smile to the nurse who took a deep breath and sighed. Sebastian looked down at Ciel glaring at him. Before he even had the chance to say something to Ciel, the small boy jumped off the cot, thanked the nurse and left the room, closely followed by Sebastian.

As the two walked back to the classroom, Sebastian grabbed Ciel's arm and pulled him into the bathroom. Letting out a small gasp, Ciel found his back to the bathroom wall.

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