Tits, Tantrums & Tequilas by @AnnieTheAuthor

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"Here at the Blue Bay, we want you to have the most perfect holiday. I can see all of you young couples out there, and I've got the ideal thing for you." I sat scowling at our rep, Chelsie, as her eyes never left Gav's body.

He'd insisted on just coming to the Welcome Meeting straight from the pool; he stood, dripping wet, board shorts slung perfectly low on his perfectly sculptured hips, topless, exposing his perfectly toned chest, looking well, pretty perfect.

Not only was I drooling, but so was Head Rep Chelsie, Newcomer Nadine and Children's rep Ian.

"If you're looking for that lasting tan and a relaxing day, why not take advantage of the Turkish Bath here at the resort. The Turkish Bath experience will relax you, and rejuvenate your skin, ready for your week, or if your lucky, two weeks holiday. Now, I can imagine someone with your body, Mr Harper, would benefit from one of the massages the Baths have to offer." I was gritting my teeth as she flirted outrageously with Gav, and he just stood there, glasses steamed up due to the humidity of the room, oblivious to the way she fucked him with her eyes.

"Baby, that sounds good." He mumbled into my ear, distracting me from Miss First Choice at the front of the room. "You and me all foamy and then massaged, we should get on that right away." And just like that I was back under the Gavin Harper spell, joining the rest of the human race, ogling the six pack that he'd spent the last few weeks perfecting with Tinder Si, and his perfectly toned arms.

God, how did I get this lucky?

So, after Chatty Chelsie and her band of merry men stopped perving over my man, we headed off to the Turkish Bath.

Feeling slightly intimidated as they shoved me, alone, into a changing room and told me to get undressed, I checked myself out in the mirror.

I was self conscious; I wish I hadn't opted for the bacon sandwich on our early morning flight, or the late night pints of Efes as we walked until the early hours of the morning, enjoying our first proper holiday together.

Peering round the door, I checked for the all clear and headed into the room where I'd been directed.

I swung open the door and was shocked. The room was filled with people in their swimwear, and I was stood, stark naked, at the door.

"Oooh, we love an exhibitionist." Chatty Chelsie smirked as her perky double d's sat up right in the tiniest string bikini. "It seems like your friend's going for the full body massage Gavin." I growled as her hand stroked Gavin's shoulder, and he turned and saw me.

His eyes were wide with shock.
"Baby," he started tenderly, but I could sense the worry in his voice. "What are you doing?"

"It's the language barrier, the guy said 'get undressed' and I thought he meant completely."

As Gav tried to usher me back out to the changing rooms, Chatty Chelsie continued to embarrass me by pushing me to get my bath first.

Gav was tense as he watched the man bathe and massage me, and it didn't matter how much I mouthed 'sorry', the tension was apparent in his jaw. As I was moved on my front, the masseuse straddled me and started to massage my boobs.

"Right, that's enough." Gav stood up quickly, sliding me round in all the foam, and strategically placed his body against mine to prevent anyone seeing anything else. Leading me from the room, he pushed me into the changing rooms and glared at me. "What were you thinking letting him run his hands over you like that?"

"I didn't have much choice, your new fan club had me up there before I had chance to go and put my bikini on. Do you think I wanted to be in there, tits and fanny out?"

"I don't get why you didn't understand the simple instructions." The way he said simple so patronisingly sent me over the edge. A year and a half into this relationship and we had barely shared so much as a crossed word, now, stuck in bloody Turkey for two weeks, I was ready to smack him.

"I tell you what Gav, go fuck yourself."

The rest of the day pretty much went as badly; we barely spoke over dinner, muttered polite words over cocktails, and when it came to the evening's entertainment and Chelsie was looking for 'Mr Blue Bay' her eyes automatically shot to Gav.

He was unaware how the girls looked at him, how they drooled when he took his top off. It didn't matter that he felt uncomfortable as he was paraded around the stage like he was auditioning for Miss World, it still annoyed me.

So much so, that I sneakily half inched a bottle of tequila from behind the bar and made my way down to the beach.

He'd been acting so weird for months now, and I wondered whether this holiday would be our breaking point. Never had I thought I'd be walking bare foot along the beach, alone.

I was gutted.

They say you truly get to know a person when you move in with them, but I truly think it's when your confined to a hotel room for two weeks. Not even forty eight hours had passed since we landed, and I couldn't wait to get the return flight back in twelve days.

As I necked the bottle of tequila, whilst sulking on the beach, I could hear him shouting my name. I wasn't going to move, I wasn't going to walk towards him for him to tell me how ridiculous I'd been, or even worse, for him to end it.

I could hear the anger in his voice, how he muttered profanities as he walked towards me. "You're so fucking infuriating at times."

"I'm infuriating?" I snapped, throwing the bottle of tequila to the floor, drunkenly stomping towards him as best as I could in the sand. "You've been eye fucked all day by that slapper and you've been encouraging her. If that's what you want, just go and get it!"

"What the hell are you on about?" He looked at me like I was completely out of my mind.

"Her. Chelsie. The whole fucking crew. They've humiliated me all day with their little comments and throwing themselves at you, and you haven't even noticed. I'm going to pack my stuff and get the first flight back to the England." Stamping my feet, I started to head off back to the room.

"Are you shitting me?" He shouted; his frustration evident. "Anna, I've got no clue what you're on about? If they've been all over me, I haven't noticed cos you know you're the only one for me."

"Forget it Gav, I know you're not into this as much as me?"

"As much as you? Are you kidding me?" Grabbing my arm, he turned me back round, the pain in his eyes apparent. "I've spent the last few months breaking my back trying to propose to you and it's kept messing up, I was intending to do it tonight too, but the day's been a complete disaster."

"You want to marry me?" I couldn't believe he'd asked me everything I wanted to hear for so long.

"Yes!" My skin tingled as the tears started to edge their way from my eyes, I watched as he took a deep breath and continued. "I've wanted to ask you for a while now, but the moment never seems right."

"I suppose it's not right now?" I asked hopefully, wondering whether all my drunken behaviour had ruined the chance of him actually asking me.

"It's fucking awful timing right now."


"But... I'm sick of waiting." I gasped as he took a step towards me. "I've been attracted to you for god knows how long, I've been in love with you since before we were officially together, I've wanted to marry you since you walked out of the toilets that day with your dress tucked into your thong, showing your arse to everyone. You didn't care that everyone was laughing, you just embraced the moment. You're truly incredible, you're funny, you make me so happy, and I want to be with you, forever. I want a family, I want us to grow old and tell lame stories, especially about how the day I proposed, we'd had the biggest fight about you getting naked in a public place. I want everything with you, for forever. Anna, will you marry me?"


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