Chapter 14: Roomates

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Quackity had been laying in my arms, he looked so sweet like that, I didn't want to leave his side. I was afraid that he would have another nightmare, if he woke up and I wasn't there.. I really don't want to even picture that.

Suddenly I heard a knock on our front door, I left Quackity on the bed wrapped up in a blanket, as I left him a gave him a small kiss on his cheek and headed downstairs. I closed the door quietly behind me and slowly walked down the steps, the knocking growing into banging on the door.

I finally made my way down to the living room, opening the door at the front of the house. When I opened it I looked down and I saw a short lady standing infront of me.

"Hello, who are you ma'am?" I tried being as respectful as possible, she looked tan. She had dark black hair and looked confused when I spoke.

"Hello. Sir, I am here looking for my son.?" She spoke in broken English, then it all finally clicked. "Quackity?" She nodded when I spoke, almost as if it summoned him, Quackity walked downstairs. He walked down wearing one of my sweatshirts and a loose pair of basketball shorts.

"¿¡Mamá!?" Quackity squealed, I looked between the both of them and his mother looked confused and partially angry. "¿Hijo?¿Quién es él?" I couldn't very well understand what was going on, I did understand a little bit of Spanish.

"Mamá, es mí amigo. Yo vivo con él. Se llama Wilbur, puedes hablar ingles mamá?" The lady nodded and looked at me, "Hello sir, I am the mother of Alex," I smiled at her, "It's lovely to meet you ma'am!" I shook her hand, Quackity said something to her in Spanish and then pulled me up into our room.

"Wilbur. My mom, she-" He sighed and then put his head down, "I'm not out to my mom yet, she didn't even know I lived with you. That's why she was confused when she came in. I'm really not ready to be out to her, I'm sorry Wil but if you can-" I cut him off and gave him a gentle kiss. "I'll act like just a friend, don't worry Q," I smiled, he teared up a little bit and then we went back downstairs. 

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