The Bella System (TwilightxTVDxTOxL)

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Summery: Charlie is Miranda and Jenna's brother. Though Bella may be five to six years older then her cousins she has a great relationship with Jeremy unlike the one that she has with Elena.

Bella is a Mind/Psy Mage which is wybshe views everything like it's a video game but different.

Bella doesn't get along with Elena because Elena thinks thatbBella thinks that she's better than everyone else wise Bella doesn't like the way that Elena treats Jeremy.

Katherine is troubled and misunderstood.

Elena only thinks about herself.

Bella's known about the Supernatural world since she was a kid.

Bella told Jeremy about the supernatural world when she met the Cullen's.

Bella's Mind/Psy Mage Magic to her makes it so that she can view he world like it's a video game with some of the obvious changes.

With it though she can share it with others.
   She has only shared it with Jeremy so far.

She can keep track of them as well as their memories because they are files her head.
      By tracking them she can see their memories because the tracking is mental nom invasive imprint that doesn't hurt but opens their minds to her.
      If memories are blocked/Erased/or Compelled to forget they will show up in her files grayed and with a look symbol on them letting her know that while se can see them the pwner of the memories can't.
      All of her memories are also placed in these files which gives her eidetic memory (perfect memory recall of all that happened in them).
      Se can also file things that she learned about people under their files in her head.

Every species is a different color that she can see like an aurora. Though when she's near a supernatural creature their color light will pop up on her map.
         Her map is like the gaming map though instead of the map being locked in the sections that she hasn't ventured yet it's only grayed out stateding that she just hasn't been there yet not that she couldn't go there.

   Humans: Peach

      Traditional: Red

      Cold-ones: Brown

      Traditional: Green

      Shifter: Orange

      Nature: Pink

      Siphon: Purple

      Travelers: White

      Cold-one/Human: Peach with spots of brown

      Traditional Vampire/Siphon: Maroon

      Traditional Vampire/ Traditional Wolf: Redish-green

      Traditional Wolf/Nature Witch: greenish-pink

      Shifter/Witch: Pink mixed with orange

Just like in video games when you put something in Invitory you can also take it out. She can do th same (This helps greatly with keeping things safe).

Though also like video games there's party's. Chats, and calling. Though with the calling its a choice of hearing it in your had or video which is holographic and made so that only the ones talking can see it so others won't be freaked out.
      Her mind is connected to her phone.
      The people thabshe knows are categories into Family, Friends, Friends as Family, Dislike, Those who Dislike me, Tolerable, and Enimes.
      When someone she knows dies their name is grayed out and theirs a red line through it as well as their memories.

This helps her with the fact that her mind is protected from intruders. It also helps her tell when someone is lying to her no mTter their species.

(*I don't play games much if ever so i'm just doing my own thing here*)


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