Shield Superhero (TwilightxMHA)

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Summery: Out of Revenge Victoria has Laurent send Bella to a whole other dimension. In the dimension that she ends up in is filled with Hero's and Villains. She gets new Parents, new DNA, a new Name, and new abilities other then the one that she already had that manifested when she entered the dimension.

*Japan Time is 17 hours ahead of Seattle Washington Time.


Isabella Mari Swan:
   DOB: September 13, 1987
   Age: 15 Height: 5'4"
   Hair: Mahogany. Wavy, Waist Length
   Eyes: Brown
   Skin: Pale
   Clothing: Flannel Shirt, jeans, converse

Hikōkage Yonakaitamu Aizawa-Tamaki(New Bella):
   DOB:September 13, 1987 (2134)
   Age: 15 Height: 5'10 3/4"
   Hair: Heterochromic Black and Blonde. Straight and slightly spiky, Thigh Length
   Eyes: Left eye Black with a small gold section, Right eye Gold with a small black section
   Skin: Tan
      School: Gray blazer Jacket with green accents over a white short-sleeve button up with a red tie, Green skirt, black knee length socks under black shoes. Gray sleeves with green accents, Green base Jacket Hero
      Costume: 6 gold sharp chop-sticks in each pigtail, Black and orange tinted visor sunglasses,Wrap scarf (made of steel wire alloy with carbon nano fibers) that's gray and gold, Weighted (steel wire alloy carbon fiber, thermo resistance, wind resistant, thermo adaptive, shock absorbent, body adaptive) open back gold with black hem sleeveless turtleneck crop-top, a gray and gold utility belt, Gray (steel wire alloy woven with carbon nano fiber) bandages that covers her forearms, Gold weighted (Steel alloy) webbed finger less gloves, Weighted (steel wire alloy carbon fiber, wind resistant, thermo resistant, thermo adaptive, shock absorbent, body adaptive) black leggings that's attached to a gold (Steel wire alloy woven carbon nano fiber) cafe length back skirt, Gold and Black weighted (steel wire alloy carbon fiber, thermo resistant, thermo adaptive, shock absorbent, wind resistant) heeled knee length boots with attachable roller blades, Ice skates, and hover craft attachments.
      Ordinary Clothing:Black leather Jacket, Red blouse shirt that flairs at the waist, Black leather pants, and heeled combat boots.

Blood Type: B 

   -Shield: Allows user to bring forth a mental and physical manifestation that can block mental and physical attacks as well as copy other's Quirks. Translucent Blue is the normal shield which can stop mental attacks which includes stopping the use of Quirks on a mental level like Aizawa’s. Translucent Purple is her copying others Quirk's. Translucent Green is the physical manifestation that can stop attacks.
   -Erasure: Allows the user to cancel out the Quirk of anyone they look at, only needs one part of the body in their sights. Weakness is not being able to see the physical body.
   -Fierce Wings: A pair of large red wings made up of feathers. They can freely manipulate each and every individual feather using their mind. Can be used to fly. They can be used to fight or move a person. Though their weakness is if to many are detached then they can render flight ability useless until they grow back in two days id destroyed in someway.

Personality: Reserved, Intelligent, Sarcastic, Laid-back, can be overly sarcastic and rude.

Likes: Mango, Ice-cream, Scary movies, spicy things, alone time, teasing Katsuki, New family, flying

Dislikes: Being annoyed, revenge, the Cullen's, sour things, alone time being disrupted

Hobbies: Flying, Training, Spending time with her dad's, Teasing Katsuki

Love Interests: Katsuki Bakugo, Hitoshi Shinso, Tamaki Amajiki

Hero Name: Shield Hero: Valkyrie

Skills: Weapons, Analytics, Stealth, Aikido, Dance Fighting, Thai-kwan-do, Kung-Fu, Boxing, Kickboxing, Judo, Jiu-jitsu, Karate,, Shooting, Archery, Speak Different

Languages: Japanese, German, Italian, Bulgarian, French, Arabic, Russian, Hindi, Greek, Serbian, Croatian, Czech, Chinese, Korean, Latin

Weapons: Scythe (Daggers, Kunai, sword), Bow & Arrow

Charlie Swan: Brown Hair, brown eyes, pale skin, 6'. Keeps to himself, awkward.

 Renee Higginbotham-Dwyer (nee Swan): Dirty blonde hair, blue-hazel eyes, 5'7. Eccentric, air-headed, adventurous.

Keigo Takami(AKA Hawks): Blonde hair, gold eyes, tan skinned, 172 cm (5'7 3/2").
   DOB: December 28.
   Age: 22-23.
   Blood Type: B.
   Quirk: Fierce Wings.
   Occupation: Pro Hero.
   Fighting Style: Ranged/ Support Combat.

   -Known to be highly intelligent emotionally and logically. Prompts a carefree and jovial attitude with his constant vigilance often hides under layer of serenity and equanimity. Acts laid-back while being on high alert. Seeming to look quite rude at times. dislikes formalities, often acting unpredictably while being cocky and taunting. Acts nonchalant and joking submissive since he doesn't care about social status or recognition. Uses a lot of sarcasm and is cunning. 

Shotā Aizawa(AKA Erasure Head): Black hair, black eyes (Though when using his Quirk they turn Orange), Pale skinned, 183 cm (6').
   DOB: November 8.
   Age: 30-31.
   Blood Type: B.
   Quirk: Erasure.
   Occupation: Pro Hero/ Teacher.
   Fighting Style: Binding Cloth.

   -He's a very stern and reserved man with a lofty expectations for his students. Motivated by logic. Doesn't have the motivation to keep a clean-cut appearance or filter his words or ideas for others. Comes off as cold, apathetic, and impatient, exerting very little energy in most situations, prefers taking naps in his sleeping bag instead, can be rigid and strict when necessary but has little tolerance for disobedience

Notes: Isabella comes to UA in October after she turns 15. She crashed through the roof. After waking up in the hospital she almost immediately shields herself and copy's Shotā's Quirk and then copy's Keigo's Quirk when he comes as well. They giver a few months to adjust before she starts at UA as a high school 1st year. Though during those few months Shotā and Keigo becomes her biological parents and she learns to use her Quirks.

 -U.A's Entrance Exam is February 26.
-March 24 is the END of the School year.
-April 7-8 is the START of the School year.

-1987: September 13, Isabella Marie Swan was born

-1988: B1

-1989: B2

-1990: B3-1991: B4

-1992: B5 (Kindergarten)

-1993: B6 (1st Grade)

-1994: B7 (2nd Grade)

-1995: B8 (3rd Grade)

-1996: B9 (4th Grade)

-1997: B10 (5th Grade)

-1998: B11 (6th Grade)

-1999: B12 (7th Grade)

-2000: B13 (8th Grade)

-2001: B14 (9th Grade) Moved to Forks that Summer before turning 14.

-2002/2148: B15 (10th Grade/1st year) Cullen's left after her 15th birthday but Victoria had plans for Bella so she sent her to a whole new dimension as revenge to the Cullen's because what's worse than the death of their favorite human than knowing that she's alive but not being able to reach her. Bella falls through the roof of the previous 1-A classroom with a new Quirk. She spent 6 months getting used to her new environment and getting new parents before going to U.A on recommendation from both of her new fathers. She went to the new dimension on Sep. 20th

-2003/2149: B16 (11th Grade/2nd year) Started as a U.A 1st year on Apr. 7 with the new name of Hikōkage Yonokaitamu Aizawa-Tamaki (Aizamaki is the last name that she uses so that she doesn't get special treatment at the school)

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