Secrets and Dresses

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"People change"

These words seemed to sink into Sarah's head throughout the day. Had Lexie really changed? It had been so sudden that it was more than simply suspicious. The day dragged on and Lexie was nothing but kind towards the girl. Finally there was only one class left in the day. Sarah walked into the room and immediately noted a clover colored rabbit sitting next to Carmilla. Carmilla was a sweet girl so that gave Sarah no doubt that the rabbit seated next to her was just as amiable.

"Hey" She waved to the two females, receiving smiles from both of them. The green rabbit's eyes lit up at seeing someone new that was so open towards her. "I'm Sarah" The purple hedgehog introduced herself.

"I'm Alison" Her blue eyes shined just right in the lighting of the room. This girl was absolutely stunning. Her voice was soft but still loud enough to be heard, it was a sweet sounding voice.

Sarah took a seat in front of the two girls and turned her body around to look at them. Her eyes moved to Carmilla and then to the doorway and back. Lexie wasn't there, she wasn't even in that class, so she was safe. "I need to tell you something" biting her lower lip and then exhaling deeply, Sarah knew she had to get a second opinion from someone and Carmilla was just the person to go to about this.

"Lexie wants to take me shopping after school."

"Wait, what?"

It really was too good to be true, everything about this situation was odd.

"Sarah, no, don't do it."

Alison was confused by the sudden conversation, the poor girl was new and didn't have any idea of what was going on, or even who Lexie was. She continuously looked towards Sarah and then swung her head lightly to look at Carmilla.

"Who's Lexie?" Understandably, Alison was curious as to who Lexie was and why there seemed to be a mutual disliking between Carmilla and Sarah.

"Lexie is a fox, she um..." Sarah awkwardly looked away "She's just really not very nice."
Nodding, the rabbit seemed to understand the situation a little more now "Maybe she changed?"

"This morning she called me a whore and then during homeroom she wanted to be friends."

Now even the new girl was confused as to why there had been such a sudden change.

"Whatever, let's just do our art project." Sarah huffed "Any ideas on what we should do for the final?"

"What about a mural?" Alison's blue eyes shimmered, she seemed really into the idea and in fact, it didn't sound that bad.

"Yeah but where would we do it?" Carmilla asked.

"I think it depends on the topic of the mural"

She wasn't wrong, different topics would make sense of different areas of where the mural could go. Just as they had finished their final thoughts, the bell rang.

"Be safe" Carmilla warned and Sarah replied with a simple nod.

As soon as she stepped foot outside of the classroom, the fox was right there, waiting for her prey. "Hey, girlie! Let's go!" Her hand gripped tight onto Sarah's as she dragged her outside to her mother's car. The van was white and shone as if it was brand new. Though Sarah had remembered what one of their 3 cars looked like and it was clear that this was the one they had owned for over 5 years.

"Get in, silly!" Lexie gestured towards the door but Sarah was pushed out of the way before she could even blink. It was Jenna and Amber, of course Sarah had forgotten all about them. As the two girls got in, Sarah was last. "You need to sit in the back, there's no room for you." Jenna stated. There was, in fact, a seat that was open for someone to sit in the middle. However, Sarah didn't even care she just did as she was told. Of course, it all made sense when the girls' bags were piled on that seat.

"Oh it's so good to see you and Sarah being friends again!" Lexie's mother stated as she drove away. The mall was only a few minutes away from the school so it wasn't that much longer Sarah would have to sit in the back of this vehicle feeling really awkward.

"I know, I missed her so much! We're going to get our semi dresses together!" Lexie clapped. "Can I have like 2,000 bucks?" she asked her mom. Which got a nod in response.

"Of course sweetie, you know your father and I only want the best for you. Just take my credit card and use as much as you need." She pulled the van right up to the mall entrance. "Have fun and call me when you're ready to come home!" The girls piled out of the car and into the mall.

"So, I know this really cute shop-" Jenna was cut off by Lexie

"Let's go to Mitten's!" the fox squealed and ran to the first store in sight from that entrance of the mall, Mittens.

As Sarah looked around the store, she noted that the prices were all around $150 or more. She was in awe that anyone could go here often enough to keep the store in service.

"Where were you thinking of getting your dress, Sarah?"

"Uh...A thrift shop?"

All the girls grew quiet at this answer and Lexie began laughing rather loudly "You're so funny! No seriously, where are you going to get yours?"

Sarah's ears folded back and a slight blush covered her muzzle "Lexie I...You know I don't have a lot of money." she said softly. Jenna and Amber began to giggle at this "You're like dirt poor?" Jenna said through her giggles. A bark came from the fox "Stop!" Lexie snapped at Jenna and then took Sarah's hand. "I have plenty of money, you get whatever you want."

Lexie's words brought tears to Sarah's eyes, had she gotten her friend back? "Lexie..." Sarah hugged Lexie's torso and the fox returned the hug. "I missed you so much!"

"This is embarrassing..."

"I'm going to leave now."

Jenna and Amber walked out the door as Lexie just held Sarah in her arms. After a few minutes Lexie looked around for Amber and Jenna.

"Cunts." She murmured angrily. "Sarah, want to know a secret?"

"Um, sure?" Sarah said softly, looking through the dresses on the racks. They were all so beautiful!

"Jenna thought she was pregnant but she just had gas, Amber has really gross toe fungus" Secrets began pouring out of Lexie's mouth and Sarah's ears twitched. Did she do this to Sarah when they stopped being friends the first time? Although, she probably was just angry. It still made her rather concerned about what secrets were out there about herself.

"Sarah, that one!" Lexie stopped and grabbed a dress off the rack. It was cobalt blue and had black lace across the chest area and white diamond studs across the top. "You need to try that one on." With that, Sarah was pushed to the changing room, along with all of her worries.

To Be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2016 ⏰

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