Chapter 4 ~Sugar Coated~

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The very next day, life was great! Sarah walked to school and met up with Shadow half way there.


“Good morning!” She sang and hugged onto Shadow. As they made their way up to the school, Shadow. As they made their way up to the school, Shadow could only smile at her.


“You slut!” The roar startled Sarah; it was Lexie.


“Ironic hearing that from you…” Sarah murmured and Shadow glared at Lexie.


“Why are you with her? Of all people to cheat on me with!” Lexie screamed “You chose that fugly, fat, grape!”


“At least she’s not plastic…!” Shadow snickered.


“Fuck you, Shadow! Fuck you!”


“Haven’t you done that enough this week?”


“Shut the fuck up!” Lexie had enough and finally stormed off after being extremely angry about the fact that no, not every battle could be won by her. A revenge was coming and she hadn’t thought of it yet but Lexie was very smooth when it came to thinking up revenge. How else had she gotten such a perfect life? Of course, she had pushed everyone else out of the way to get to that spot.


As they watched Lexie storm off, Sarah turned to Shadow and bit her lip “You really do believe me, don’t you.” she let her own statement sink into her head for a moment. Before she had a chance to say another word, the bell rang and it was time for class. Neither Shadow nor Sarah said anything to each other, they just smiled and took each other’s hands to walk to their homeroom.


Though the previous scene continued to play through Sarah’s head. Did that mean that Shadow and Lexie already ‘broke up’? “That was quick…” Sarah whispered to herself, not realizing that she had actually spoken rather loudly and now Shadow was looking in her direction.


“What was quick?” Shadow asked, wondering what she had meant.


In desperation of not sounding too clingy Sarah replied with “How quick we walked to homeroom.” then put her head down, suddenly realizing how tired she actually was. Shadow hesitated before gently petting her head. The announcements went on the intercom and though no one really paid attention to them on a normal basis, as soon as the words “semi-formal dance” were said, everyone locked their lips. Everyone wanted to know the details of the dance, even those who had recently gotten into trouble and wouldn’t be allowed to attend sat and listened. You would’ve thought the teacher was going to have a heart attack when he walked in to see the class was silent.


“Semi-formal is this Friday! Tickets are $10, including refreshments and photos. Be sure to turn in your visitor form for any date from another school that you’re bringing. The dance starts at 6:30 pm in the gymnasium. Anyone who gets a detention this week will not be allowed to attend the semi-formal dance. Thank you and have a wonderful day!”


With all of the information given, the intercom shut off with a soft “click.” and once again, the whole class was blaring their voices to the room. Gossip from some, video games in another, the texting fairies, etc. Everything seemed normal until the door swung open, queen bees Lexie, Jenna and Amber stormed in. Sarah still had her head down and was drifting off, she hadn’t even noticed the noise of the door slamming into the side of the wall.


The teacher was telling the girls to go back to their homerooms, Shadow got tense at seeing the three eyeing Sarah. Lexie tapped her on the shoulder and Shadow got ready to pull Lexie away if necessary. Sarah looked up and wrinkled her nose at seeing who was tapping on her shoulder “Can I help you? I’m trying to sleep.”


“I was thinking about everything that’s happened with us, how we used to be such good friends.” Lexie began to go on a tangent, Sarah’s ears perked up, wanting to hear what Lexie had to say. “And I just wanted to apologize for everything, I’m really sorry, Sarah. You and I should go shopping together tonight!” Though her voice said she meant well, there was something evil in her eyes that made Sarah shudder  “What do you say we try to be friends again? I miss us, Sary!”


‘Sary?’ Sarah couldn’t help but feel very uncomfortable with the sudden approach. “Why the sudden change of heart?” she asked, glancing over at Shadow who looked like he wasn’t as tense anymore. Before Lexie could answer, the bell rang.


“I’ll walk you to science!” Lexie squealed and took Sarah’s hand “A little birdy told me...That you actually tried to hurt yourself when I told you to kill yourself and I just felt so bad, I never meant a word of it, I swear.”


“But this morning-”


“Forget this morning! This morning was nothing and we should just move on, right?”


“Lexie, I don’t think I can be friends with you again.”


“Aw, honey, why not?”


“Um…” Before Sarah could try to explain herself, Lexie had pulled her into a hug “Then that settles it! We’re hanging out later! Oh and I PROMISE I’ll back off about Shadow, I know you like him a lot.”


Sarah couldn’t help but be majorly confused about everything that Lexie was saying. There was absolutely no way that Lexie, queen of drama, had already gotten over her temper tantrum from that morning and there was no way that she could ever even think about actually ever being friends with Sarah again.


“That explains a lot.” Shadow came up behind Sarah, startling her and making Shadow smirk. “She was frustrated, she didn’t mean anything she said to you. I told you she was a good person.” Shadow told Sarah as he walked into the room.


“Don’t you find that a little odd?” Sarah whispered to Shadow, so Lexie wouldn’t realize she was talking about her. “The fact that she’s already over it? That she just out of no where came to me and apologized?”


“People change.” Shadow shrugged.

But do they really?

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