Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Them bitches from my school that made me come home crying everyday -_-

       Ironic how you can be best friends with someone one minute and it feels like the next they’re your worst enemy. Anything can split a friendship up, when one moves away and you lose contact, if one friend leaves you for the “popular” kids, even something like two girlfriends fighting over a guy can ruin their friendship.  There were a few reasons why Lexie the fox and Sarah the shape shifter didn’t get along anymore.  Apparently to Lexie, Sarah was now a ‘loser’ and Lexie was of course a slut to Sarah. Not that it wasn’t true that Lexie did act like a slut; she did try to kiss every guy before the end of the year. What was about to go down between the two however would cause much more damage between the two than had already happened.

      “Time to wake up Sarah, we both have to go to school, as much as I wish we didn’t” said Sarah’s sister Luna the wolf, who adopted Sarah a few years before. “Ugh…Can I skip? Pleeease?” Sarah begged as she rolled over. “I don’t think so. Now get up” Luna replied and yanked Sarah out of bed. The tired shape shifter whined and got up. “Fiiine” Sarah got up and got dressed. She brushed her hair and teeth, she was about to eat breakfast when she stopped and looked at herself in the mirror. She remembered what Lexie had said about her. “Hey look its fatty the hedgehog!” she remembered how her cheeks burned red as Lexie’s friends laughed at her. She had ran home crying the day that happened, Luna told her that she was fine, that she doesn’t need to lose weight.  However that had scarred her, Sarah’s stomach growled as Sarah backed away from the kitchen and just went to get her backpack. ‘Maybe if you don’t eat you’ll get smaller, then they won’t bother you.’ Sarah thought to herself. “Sarah are you gonna come eat breakfast?” Luna asked popping her head in the doorway. This startled Sarah but she looked over “No thanks, I’m…not hungry” Sarah lied and looked down. Luna looked concerned “Are you sick? You always want waffles when you wake up.” Luna pointed out, knowing something was up. “No I’m just not hungry right now.” Sarah said sternly. Of course Luna didn’t want to push her so she just nodded “Well alright, but we gotta leave now if we want to get to school on time.”

     It didn’t take long for them to get to school, to Sarah that place was like jail. They went to the gym and Sarah just sat on the bleachers in the corner of the room alone. Sarah glared as she watched Lexie in her group of friends. However Sarah wasn’t the only one who was alone. Shadow the hedgehog didn’t know why he bothered going to school, it wasn’t like he had to…although it did give him something to do in his spare time. It wasn’t that he liked school, but he had nothing better to do during the day. Sarah saw Shadow and her ears perked up right away, she got up and bolted over to Shadow. “Hi Shadow” She greeted him and smiled. Shadow looked up and kept his arms crossed “Hello Sarah” he replied and looked away; he wasn’t really one for communicating with others. However Sarah was considered a friend to him. Sarah sat next to Shadow and frowned “What’s wrong? And don’t tell me nothing, because you say that way too often, you can’t always be fine.” Shadow just huffed “You know those girls you always complain about?” Sarah nodded “They’ve been talking about me, you can tell because they keep looking over here.” Sarah blinked and grew anger inside. ‘Lexie better not be up to anything’ Sarah thought to herself. Of course the devious fox was, she was planning on crushing Sarah and taking away everything she loves from her. She would easily be able to crumble Sarah to pieces, or at least Lexie thought so. 

     Lexie knew Sarah’s secret, Sarah had a huge crush on Shadow, and that was one of the few things she could mess with. Though what was she going to do? Get Shadow to hate Sarah? Nah, she wouldn’t go that far unless it became necessary. However she knew exactly how to get Shadow wrapped around her finger.

   It was time to go to class, Sarah got up and looked at Shadow “You coming or ditching?” She asked with a smile. Shadow huffed and got up “I’ll go; come on we gotta get to homeroom before the bell rings.” Sarah nodded in agreement and they walked to homeroom together. Sarah and Shadow were in all the same classes; however they were also in most of their classes with Lexie. Periods 2, 3, 4 and 6. It was like jail for Sarah, most of the time she wished she was dead, it sounded much better than having to go to school every day and see Lexie.

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