Chapter 5

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(In the morning)

I wake up to Tsu'Tri behind me sleeping. I stand up and get myself ready, noticing the bruises on my thighs and hips. I sigh as I walk into the forest to get rid of them.

As I sit behind the tree and place my hair on my hips first, then curling up and doing the same on my thighs. I sit there for a while just staring into the forest.

Afterward I walk back to the beach to feed some of the ilu. I get a bucket of seaweed and give them to the ilus. "Hey Y/N" Neteyam says walking up to me. "Hey Teyam" I say as I see his cheeks change Color a bit.

"Umm.. did I, do something at the party?" He says as I grin at him. "Yeah, Kiri tell you?"

"Yeah.. umm, do you.. do you like me?" He says as I stop feeding the ilu and stare at him. "Yes." I say quietly as he smiles at me. He touches my cheek and slowly pulls me closer to him. My hands on his shoulder

"Y/N! I hurt my leg can you help!" We hear Tuk say in the distance. I take my hands of Neteyam as I silently wave goodbye and leave him.

"Where Tuk?" I say walking to her as She points at a bleeding cut on her leg. "Okay let me help" I say untying my hair and wrapping a bit around her leg. "It tickles!" She giggles as I smile at her, I take my hair off as she smiles at me and stands up. "All better now" I say getting up aswell.

"Thanks Y/N!" She says running off as I wave goodbye.

Neteyam pov

I stand there alone, until Kiri walks over to me.

"So? Did you do it!" She says exited. "Kind of?" I say shrugging. "He said he liked me" I blush.

"Yay!" She yells hugging me. "Jeez Kiri you going to kill me in a minute" I say as she lets go of me. "Sorry, I'm just so happy for you!"

Sorry this chapter is so small I have no clue what to write😭

I'd love some ideas from you guys ❤️

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