Small Talk; Or The Lack Of

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A/N: No trigger warnings, just minor cursing! Chapter summary at the end see you guys after the chapter ^^


Another minute passes by on the clock. The loud sound seems to disturb everyone in the library, except one particular girl. This girl has her eyes, mind, and soul in the book she is reading, and nothing will bring her out of the fantasy she has created in her mind.

The girl, sitting at the librarian's desk, seems unaware of what is happening around her, she seems to always be stuck in a book, unable to escape from its grasp. The only time the girl can leave the world of her imagination is when another person comes and yanks her out of it.

She seems to be furiously reading the pages of her book, anticipating what will come next, yet too terrified to even imagine the possibilities that come to her mind. She flips the page so violently, it sends a rustle of sound echoing through the library, going unnoticed by many who, like her, were in the same inescapable trance. The girl's breath hitches, as her mind and heart raced with the words she was reading on the page. The story was finally coming to its climax, its summit, its entire purpose. From this moment on, she knew the fantasy world she was in would never be the same. As the main character stepped through the door, unknowingly walking towards their own downfall-


The girl whips her head up from her book in shock and looks in the direction of the voice. Many others in the library also are in shock from the loud outburst. Some of them annoyed, and some of them looking at Sasha with sympathy. A tall blonde lady wearing a long, jade green skirt and a beautifully matching forest-patterned blouse is seen angrily glaring at Sasha. The said girl feels a wave of guilt crash into her as she looks up at the clock, then back down to the woman's face.

Quickly getting to her feet, Sasha speed-walks up to the girl in the skirt and quickly starts to explain herself.

"HiEricahowareyoutodaysorryIdidn'tputthereturnedbooksontheshelfI'lldothatrightnowpleasedon'tbetoomad," Sasha quickly blurts out, unlike Erica, using a softer voice to not disturb the others in the library. She quickly starts walking back over to her desk and rolls out the little book cart she got from Amazon. The cart is super helpful and really made putting books back where they belong much easier. She quickly started stacking the books onto the cart, not caring about the author's name, or the genre of the books. She started walking towards the fiction section and pulled out the books that were labeled as such.

The Sense of Ending, Julian Barnes

To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee

The Midnight Library, Matt Haig

A dorky smile plastered itself on Sasha's face as she recognized all of these books and their authors. She remembered reading The Sense of Ending in highschool with her friend, Anne, in the book club they made. Sadly, no one else joined, but they still enjoyed it nonetheless. She remembers bawling her eyes out near the climax of the book, while Anne simply laughed at her reaction. Though, at the end of the book, as they read the last line, they both ended up sitting there, silent, for a few minutes, trying to take in everything that had happened in the book. Sasha still considers it her favorite book, and envies those who have the chance to read it for the first time.

To Kill A Mockingbird is another book Sasha got the joy of reading, this time, involuntarily. She read it in the tenth grade, as it was a mandatory book that everyone had to read. No one enjoyed it, no one would want to read it again, except Sasha. Well, mostly. You see, Sasha absolutely loved the exposition with Walter, and Scout's immature behavior. She loves seeing character flaws in books, as it makes them more human, and perhaps, a little more unreliable. However, near the end, when Scout saw Boo for the first time, Sasha was not impressed, to be honest, she didn't enjoy any of the book after the Tom Robinson trial. However, she still has to admit, Harper Lee's way of showing character growth throughout the book is unstruck by any other writer.

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