Lune: Remembrance

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Lune appeared in a forest. They blinked a couple of times, confused as to how they were there. They remembered settling down after attempting to track down Thia and Rose. Remembering the floorboards of the tavern that they were staying at courtesy of Tolbert. And after trancing and leaving them exhausted, they had chosen to sleep. The woods seemed to have the air of magic, of power.

Soft grass blew as the breeze curled by. Trees swaying, sunlight gleaming down from the sun. Pholtus lighting the day, the sun slowly crossing the sky making its journey. It was a place that Lune had missed, somewhere they hadn't been for quite some time. Only being there around a century ago- perhaps longer. Time was a rather fickle thing.

The Feywild.

Where they had first met her. Lune twisted around, taking in the magic filled air once more. Among the trees and bushes Lune heard first a rustle, then a yelp. With a start Lune's ears perked up, locating where the noise was coming from then started to move. Picking their way through the foliage they looked for the source of the noise, their instinct- no their need to heal and protect arising above any fear or confusion that would occur.

Leaves rustled as Lune took care to make sure that they didn't tug or uproot anything. Branches reaching out to tangle with their cloak. Small imprints of their boots were left in the grass as it crunched beneath Lune's feet. It took a few moments but they pulled their way through the foliage and into a small, open clearing. Rays of sunlight shone down upon the fresh green grass.

Lune's eyes swept around looking for the source of the noise that they had heard earlier. Until finally their eyes landed on a small red fox. Memories immediately flooded through Lune bringing them back to their time in the Feywild. Running, jumping, laughing. A red fox at their side the whole time. A companion in a world full of mystery. Their fingers reached to touch the ink that had been inked onto their back.

With a deft shake of their head they strided over to the injured fox. Bending down a small prayer to Selune left the eladrin's lips as they prepared to cast a spell. Healing spells raced through their mind as they rapidly decided which one they should cast to help.

As they reached down to touch the fox's red fur to cast a spell, they awoke. Blinking a couple times in confusion Lune sat up from their place on the bed. A small sigh leaving their lips as they rubbed their eyes. A small curse escaped Lune as they got off the bed.

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