Lune: Engulfing Smoke

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They couldn't breathe.

Flames roared around Lune as they whipped around clawing at their throat. Attempting to gasp for oxygen that would not come. Instead, smoke being inhaled at every attempt. Tears burned at the edges of their eyes as the smoke blew into them, burning them. Blinking furiously their eyes raked around the landscape they were in.

A burning forest. Trees falling and collapsing around them. Crimson sparks flew around almost akin to fireflies. The grass was burning rapidly, green being consumed by red then disintegrated to black. Nothingness. Death. What was supposed to be lush and green was now turning to embers.

Little yelps reached Lune's ears as they raked their eyes around attempting to look for the source. Out of the corner of their eyes they managed to look upon a source of movement. As smoke and flames forced tears out of Lune's eyes they could make out the small figures of a family of foxes. The family was running, running as the fire set the world ablaze. Fire caught onto their fur, burning and searing their flesh as they attempted to run. The fire was jumping and consuming everything in its wake as Lune could do nothing but stand there immobile, choking on the dark smoke that engulfed them.

They slowly staggered, half falling to their knees before collapsing onto the burnt ground that stretched out for miles with seemingly no end. Tears blurring in their eyes as their lungs begged for oxygen. For a release that never came. As darkness seemed to claim their vision they stared at the foxes who were attempting to flee. As Lune offered a small prayer that somehow they would survive.

Everything went black as Lune's eyes flew open seeing the familiar walls around them as they seemed to awake. Only one fear stayed within Lune.




Lune heard a crash of something being knocked over, faintly registering that it was due to their own movement of lurching to the ground. Silent heaves and shaking wracked their body as they could almost count the seconds that passed.

1... 2... 3...

It seemed to be an eternity that passed by. The touch of the wooden floor scraping against Lune's feet and hands. The cloth that was on their back. Shadows dancing on the ground due to various light sources that shone through.

A strangled gasp echoed through the room as Lune could finally manage to get one breath in. In and out, in and out they could breathe. Hands shaking as they gripped onto the fabric of their pants, attempting to ground themselves. They could breathe- it was fine. Just a silly little nightmare. Nothing to worry about. 

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