To A New Beginning

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The hall was filled with music; the gentle plucking of a harp, the trill of a flute and the sweet singing of a violin left everyone buzzing excitedly for the ceremony. Chairs had been set up in neat rows, each tied together with a baby blue ribbon with a red rose within each knot. The venue had been filled by various yokai, very few humans included in the crowd. The few ones that had been invited were April and the Jones.

They were all harassing a peculiar yokai guest for attempting to get a piece of cake. April was scolding the imitation-crab yokai while Casey Sr. held them in a headlock and Jr. was ensuring that the cake was untouched. They discovered in their assault that the troublemaker was, in fact, not a guest but someone who, in the confusion of the preparations, had snuck in under the guise of being a family friend.

"An intruder? Donnie! Activate removal protocol!" Casey Jr. called to a preoccupied Donnie, who snapped to attention and nodded. With a few taps of his wrist device a Sheldon drone whizzed overhead, attaching itself to the stranger's head, and flew off with them in tow, shrieking for dear life.

"Glad that's dealt with," April sighed, patting her hand on Casey Sr.'s back.

"Let's kick somebody else out!" She responded, baring her teeth like a crazed animal.

"Save that energy for the reception, you'll be able to throw out a ton of drunks then." April assured her.

As people filed into the rows of chairs, finding their seats and the animated talking lifted their voices throughout the hall. The only ones that did not sit were Casey Sr., Dubh and Splinter, who stood at the altar, watching over the crowd. They perched themselves at the steps and glared at the people making their way to their seats, just like gargoyles. Behind the seated audience, Mona Lisa stood at her full height, peeking from behind the doorway. She peered into the room, catching Splinter's eye. She gave him a nod which he exchanged. As she vanished into the outside hall, Splinter glanced at Casey Sr., who understood clearly. He scampered down the aisle, followed slowly by Casey, who began yelling at the audience as she made her way to the door.

"Everybody quiet! The wedding is about to start! If your phone rings, if you cough, if you say a single word you shall be removed with excessive force! Please be respectful during the ceremony or suffer the consequences!" She ended her saunter down the aisle, she stood near the band.

"Start the entrance music!" She shrieked, making each band member jump before they hurriedly began strumming their instruments.

With a huff, she too exited out of the wedding hall, leaving only Dubh as the only Hamato remaining in the hall with the guests. She pulled a stool onto the altar, not minding the ear-piercing squeal that its movement caused. For a painfully long time, Dubh tortured the audience until she found the perfect spot for the stool. With it centered on the altar, she rushed off and to the doorway where everyone else had disappeared into. As she walked to the door, the eyes of the audience followed her. The music swelled while she stood next to the doorway, chest puffed out with pride, as Usagi stepped out from under the doorway.

Usagi wore a red and gold sari, delicate blue diamonds stitched along the gold seams. The silk fabric was wrapped purposefully around the groom, encased in silk like a caterpillar before bursting forth after a gorgeous metamorphosis. He was bedazzled with gold jewelry, his gleaming headpiece making him look like a glorious king. Red and white gemstones were embedded in each piece he wore, and each step he took made him twinkle like he was coated in glitter.

Dubh offered her arm, which Usagi accepted, wrapping his own around his mother's forearm. She grinned, eyes sparkling with tears of pride for the step her son was about to take. Usagi smiled back before straightening his posture and looking to the altar. They walked in time with the beat of the music, the crowd admiring the unique clothes of the Miyamotos. Together they walked, mother and son, arm-in-arm before reaching the top of the altar.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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