Chapter 7

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Slowly, I started to walk to the living room. Time felt slow, almost like it had stopped entirely, I had waited so long for this moment, yet it felt unreal. I stopped at the end of the hall and watched from the corner for a moment and looked to see who was all there.

Mark and Tom were hugging mom and talking about how they missed her. Bob, Wade, and Jack were setting the presents down by the tree. Pat, Gar, and JP were carrying some of the suitcases in while Tyler held open the door. Arin and Dan were standing and talking to each other, and Ethan was on his phone by the kitchen.

As much as I wanted to go out and see them I wanted them to open my gift I had placed by the tree first. I quickly snuck back into my room and texted mom.

I think I'm ready. Have them open the box I put under the tree please.

Of course dear.

I cracked open my door to hear everyone.

"Before we start decorating I want you all to open up this gift here." Mom called out.

I couldn't see anything so I just waited for a few minutes. I'm not sure how long I waited, but it felt like an eternity. Eventually nerves and excitment got to me and I slowly walked out my door to the living room. Luckily everyones back was facing me, but mom who was standing by the tree. I slowly got closer to see that almost everyone was close to crying, except Mark and Tom who were crying and had the star that I put into the box inbetween them. I couldn't wait anymore and had to speak up.

"Hey you guys need help? I could be of service." I tried to hold back my tears as best as I could, but I was failing miserably.

I seen all the guys jump up and look at me. They were all yelling in excitment. Mark and Tom immedietly jumped over the couch and jumped for me, I tried to catch them the best I could, but we all fell to the floor hard. It hurt for a second but with all the laughing, yelling, crying, and excitment I didn't feel a thing.

Small Timeskip

After we all calmed down and told them how long I've been here and everything we finally started to decorate the house.

We all did our part to finish decorating and put the presents under the tree. Everything was done, except for one thing.

"Hey Mark, Tom, I need help for a second!" I yelled out.

"What's up Y/n?" Mark walked over with Tom in tow.

"I need this star up on the tree, but the tree is just soooo tall. I can't do it by myself." I started to be overdramatic and seen a smirk slowly grow on thier faces and they realized what I was doing.

"Oh man you're right it is quite tall. Ah man looks like we have to do the sibling stack." Tom rolled his eyes and Mark laughed

"Yep, although Mark since you're a bit shorter the us now perhaps you want to be the top?" I looked at him playfully

"I am NOT that short!"

"I am taller then you now, plus I think I have the strength to do it by myself if I wanted."

"That's a fair point. Mark you wanna see what it's like to feel tall?" Tom and I picked on Mark until he gave in.

We lifted him up and he put the star on. When we put him back down Bob plugged in the tree and we looked at the light on it.

After a few minutes I looked and seen my brothers crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I looked at them and put my hand on their shoulders.

"It's just...really nice to have you home. God I missed you alot." Mark sobbed and hugged me again.

I felt myself tear up a bit and pulled Tom in for a hug as well. We stood there for a few minutes, eventually though we had to break it up.

After we had time to calm down again Mark, Ethan, and Tyler went into the kitchen to make a video. Bob and a few others went in there as well to help record and set things up. I spent some time talking to everyone and just catching up a bit.

Small timeskip

Once Mark and eveyone was done in the kitchen mom called us three kids intot he kitchen.

"So while I make dinner it is your guys' jobs to figure out where everyone will be sleeping at. I don't want you all in a hotel, but I know that there will not be a lot of space in one bedroom for everyone. So figure out where everyone will be sleeping at. I have a lot of food to warm up and make." She told us and kicked out out of the kitchen as fast as she called us in.

"Well lets see. We have Jack, Bob, Wade, Pat, Gar, JP, Arin, Dan, Tyler, Ethan, Tom, Y/n, and me. That's Thirteen people. That's a lot." Mark counted in his hands and looked up at us.

"Well, obviously we all be in one room. There's three bedrooms to split between all of us. I think it's do-able." Tom was breaking it down as esy as possible so we didn't over compicate it.

"Well I think we split five in one room, five in the other then us three share my room. Don't get me wrong I love everyone here, but personally I want it to just be us three so we can all talk and catch up better." I suggested. Mark and Tom nodded in agreement.

We sat down and talked about this for a decent amount of time until we made an agreement on it.

"So we have Jack, Arin, Dan, Ethan, and Tyler in Marks room. That leaves Bob, Wade, Pat, Gar, and JP in Toms room. Then finally us three who will be in my room. Correct?" I looked up from our paper we draw on everywhere.



"Okay, then let's tell everyone and start putting their stuff in the designated rooms for the time being." I stood up and went to help the two goofballs off the floor.

We got eveything settled pretty easily. Tom got his group to his room while Mark explained what was going on and took his group to his room. While they were doing that I took Mark and Tom's things and put it all in my room. I set their things on the bed and closed my door.

"If anyone wants or needs any spare pillows or blankets just let me know and I can get some. I have lots of spares in my room and we have lots around the house somewhere!" I yelled out and head of chorus of "okay" and "Thank you"s.

We finally got to eat and it was nice. Just sitting their and listening to everyone talk and joke around while we ate was the best thing I could ask for. I didn't say much at dinner, I was just happy to see all my friends whom I love and care for a lot that I just wanted to listen to thier stories. They all changed a lot since I met them all. Thier voices are diffrent, their apperance is different, the way some of them carry themselves is just so much better then when I last seen them. To say I was proud of them all is an inerstatement.

I looked around the table and seen everyone was having a good time, except for Ethan who was just eating and kept stealing glances at me.

'Is he still mad at me?' I thought to myself and tried to shrug it off because I didn't want to ruin a perfect night. Although I made a mental tab to talk to Ethan about this and try to get to the bottom of this very soon.

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