Chapter 4

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After looking in the garage for a while we found a box that was big enough to hold a few things.

"I can do something with this." I grabbed the box

"It's almost 11 already?" Mom looked surprised "We haven't even decorated the outside, or anything!"

"It's ok mom. I'm sure everyone else will help tomorrow."

I walked into the living room and looked at the tree. It was still plugged in and the star was still in the box waiting to be put on.

"I'm going to go to bed. Make sure to unplug the tree and that the door is locked." Mom walked off into the hall

I unplugged the tree, made sure everything was in its place, locked the door, then grabbed the star and walked to my room.

I put the star in the box and looked at it. It felt like something could be added to it, but I'm not sure what. I stared at the box for a few minutes before deciding that what to add.

I opened my wallet and pulled out the pictures I had. They were five of them. One was of my brothers, me, and our mom smiling. It was our last family photo we taken in a few years. The second one was one of Arin, Danny, and me. It was at a park. We went there just a week before I left. The third one was of Wade, Bob, Jack, and me in front of the movie theater. We went there just two days before I left. The fourth one was of Pat, Gar, Jp and me. It was at the end of mine and Jp's soccer game. We one that game a month before I left.

The last one I picked up and it hurt a bit to see it. It was a picture of Tyler, Ethan, and me. We were at Tyler's house on his trampoline laying down. I went over there the day before I left and even though it's been a while since I've been home it feels like I was just with him...


"Tyler! Ethan and I are here!" I opened the front door and smiled

"I'm in the kitchen! You guys want a snack"?

"FOOD!" Ethan ran into the kitchen and nearly knocked Tyler down

I walked into the kitchen to see Tyler barely holding him and Ethan up.

"What's the snack?" I looked around to see what Tyler had prepared. He won't admit it but hes a good cook when he tries

"I can either make us sandwiches or something more filling. It's up to you guys." He pushed Ethan off of him and smirked

"I want spaghetti!" Ethan jumped up and down like a child

"Whatever you feel like making Ty. I don't mind." I chuckled and put my hands on Ethans shoulders to calm him down.

"Well why don't you choose Y/n? You should choose since you're leaving tomorrow." Tyler suggested

Ethan gave a small nod, but I could see in his eyes that he wanted me to say spaghetti.

"Hmmm how about you make your Tyler special? You only make it for special occasions and I think this counts." I smirk

"Alright I'll have to ready in an hour or so. You and Ethan go and entertain yourselves while I cook." Tyler shoved us out of the kitchen and into the living room

"Trampoline?" Ethan pointed out back


A little bit later

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