No one

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❣︎ ꕥ 𝕾𝖐𝖞𝖋𝖑𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝕱𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖒𝖆 ꕥ ❣︎ 

Written by: NightInVioletArmor

The lass would be seen at her dorm's balcony. Holding her favorite unicorn pen while all her attention was focused right on her writings. She's trying to make a freestyle poem. Hope everyone would love it. It's titled "No One" 

"They said I'm funny 

They said I'm a great listener 

They said I'm strong and tough 

They said I'm cool and caring 

They said I'm their friends 


But they don't know behind those jokes and fun, 

Hiding a shattered heart 

Behind those listening session 

No one stays 

Behind those boldness, 

There's a weak part it hids 

Behind those caring acts, 

There's unable to embrace self

Yeah I'm their friends, 

But are they really my friends?

Or maybe they just sticking to me 

Because of what I offer? 

I know a fragile glass 

With "durable" label 


I'm loosing grasp 

Yet, I kept holding and save them

But why they can't see that 

I, myself, need help? 

Why can't they see I'm fucking dead inside? 

I'm just like y'all 

I need help 

Yet, I Am just a no one." 

A lone teardrop dripped down to the dry paper. As it keeps rolling down. "Help... Me.."

Unbeknownst, her own hand has its own mind and keeps on writing the poetry:

"I am no perfect and never be 

But it seems they want me to be one 

I tried, 

But I kept stumbling 

No one is even there for me.

Like a superhero 

I'm one call away, 

The brave and strong superhero. 

But have they see how that superhero suffers? 


Is wonder woman is fine? 

Does Superman has anxiety? 

Does Batman suffering in depression? 

Is Flash is mentally stable? 

How about Iron man, is he traumatized?

Can you answer it? 


Because no one knows 

Our superheroes are in pain. 

No one knows if they alright 

After bringing the justice 

Like them, 

I'm also a superhero

That cries silently, 

That screaming for help in abyss, 

That is loosing grip on the edge of the cliff.

Yet, no one came..." 

The lass would heave a sigh before grabbing another sheet of paper to continue her poem She lift her chin up trying to stop her eyes bailing out "I'm all alone whenever I have anxiety to fight with.." she sighs 

She covered her eyes that keeps pouring more tears. Her voice began to cracked Everytime she speaks what she should write 

"At the corner, i'm devastated 

No one noticed the silence 

Is it because i'm one of the happiest person alive? 

I see through all of you

But why can't you all see through me? 

Why no one noticed 

The hole at my chest? 

I'm just really no one, am I? 

Not an important person in your lives

Saying I'm your best friend 

Yet afraid to stay with me 

We are friends, 

Yet, you stared at me with those cold eyes

Like I'm just a beggar in street 

Maybe it's time

Time to leave

The no one would never be exist anymore

Just give me time.

Time to think 

But as a last wish,

can you all say 'bye bye'? 

To no one once I leave? 

Probably some of you begged for me not to leave.. 

Yet do the same mistake once I did not left..

I'm so confused..

Why? Why are you guys like that?"

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