The Day Off

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It's Buck and Eddie's day off of work. It's about 2 pm and as usual. They are hanging out with each other.

Buck gets a knock on his door. 'He's already here!?' Buck exclaims but continues to say 'come in.' Before going to see Eddie, he looks himself in the mirror with confidence. As he is finally going to confess to Eddie.

Eddie enters as Buck shouts down the stairs. "I'll just be a minute," he says as he rushes to get changed. Eddie chuckles as this always happens and grabs a beer out of the fridge. 5 minutes later and Buck rushes down the stairs, where Eddie is already standing in his kitchen with another open beer in his hand. He walks over to Eddie, who passes him the beer.

"So, what we doing today? It's later than usual." Eddie questions as he takes a light sip of beer.

"Uhm, I was hoping we could just go out for some food." Buck clears his throat

"Yeah? Where were you thinking?" Eddie asks

"Well, maybe a picnic? If you want to, I kn-" Buck gets cut off by Eddie as he places his finger over Bucks' soft lips. "I would love to," he smiles as he places his empty bottle down on the side gently. Buck takes Eddie's arm away and smiles when his hand slips down his forearm and into his hand. He looks down at their holding hands and blushes slightly as he let's go.

"Well, I have already got some food we can take and a blanket," Buck says, trying to move on from the previous interaction

Eddie smiles. "Perfect."

About an hour passes, and they have arrived at the park. They are looking for the perfect spot to sit down at. They spot a tree and begin heading towards it.

"It's a nice day out," Eddie admires the sky. Buck looks at him and smiles, thinking 'with a perfect view' but doesn't get the guts to say it. They are close to their spot, and their hands are constantly swaying into each others, their fingers slightly touching every time. Eddie wants to just hold Bucks' hand but doesn't think it would end well. They reach the tree and set up a little spot for the day. They have brought plenty of food and entertainment to stay there for a while. They sit down for a bit as they snack. A few hours pass, and the sun is beginning to set.

"I do love the sunsets and sunrises here in  L.A." Eddie smiles as he leans back slightly. He places his hand on Bucks by accident, but neither of them move.

Buck slightly warms up, and butterflies course around his stomach "same" he smiles as he looks at their hands.

"I need to lay down," Eddie huffs as he lays fully down on his back, resting his head in Bucks' lap.

"Better?" Buck chuckles as he looks down at him.

"I'm sorry, I can mo-" Buck cuts Eddie off. "It's perfect," he smiles as he begins to blush once again but can't hide it this time. Eddie smiles at this and then continues to look up at the sky. Buck runs his hand through Eddie's soft, brown hair.

"Hey Eddie," he says


Buck begins to get nervous. Eddie notices this: "What's wrong?" He questions as he looks at him with his wide, glistening eyes.

"Eddie." Buck clears his throat, knowing that he has to go with it. "I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me. You have changed me for the better, and I don't want to ruin what we have already got. But I have got to get something off of my chest." Buck slightly sweats as he fusses around with his collar. Eddie sits up as he is wondering what is going to come.

"I just wanted to say that I." Buck looks up at Eddie, who looks at him with tears in his eyes as he thinks he knows what he may say.

He carries on making eye contact with him. "I really like you, Edmundo."

Eddie sits there as a tear falls down his face. Not thinking that he would ever hear Buck say that. Buck gets worried at what this means.

"I'm sor-" "No, I really like you too, Evan." Eddie buts in as he raises Bucks head. Buck smiles and wipes the tear from his face. They hug each other, and Buck gives him a kiss on the head.

"We can take it slow and steady." Buck lights up with glee as Eddie leans back into him, and Buck wraps his arms around him. They both can't believe this is happening. They watch the sunset, and the stars appear. They stargaze for a little while when they head off back to Bucks. They are almost back at his apartment. Their hands still sway into eachothers like every other time. This time, Eddie slides his soft hand into Bucks. They smile at each other as they have wanted to do that for a while. They reach Bucks, where they have a few beers and then snuggle up to each other for the night.

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