The 'Wedding'

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Buck wakes up alone. Feeling nothingness. Feeling numb. The 2 year anniversary of Buck and Eddie. Their wedding day. And there is only one groom left. He lays in bed most of the day until the sunsets. People visit him to see how he's doing, but he just wants to be left alone.

The sun is an hour off setting, and Buck walks down to the park. To the tree they were going to get married at. He sits and cries as he watches the sun set.

"Eddie. I miss you so much, baby. We were meant to be getting married today. Under this tree that brought us together. I miss you so much. Why did you leave?" Buck sobs as he runs his fingers over the carving of their initials in the tree. When he feels something, touch his back. He looks to his left when he sees Eddie.

"Eddie? Baby? What?" Buck sits confused as he doesn't understand

"You followed," Eddie smiles as he cuddles up to Buck and watches the sunset with him. Buck smiles as he realises and wraps his arms around Eddie and kisses his head.

"I believe this is yours," Buck smiles as he takes the watch from his wrist and puts it onto Eddie's. He kisses his hand, and they cuddle again.

"I told you I would never leave your side, I followed you up here. Now I'll never leave, baby." Buck cries in joy as he feels Eddie's prescence again.

The morning of the wedding day. The team went over to see how Buck was when they had found his lifeless body in bed snuggled up with a picture of Eddie. They couldn't resuscitate him as he had been gone too long. Buck died of heartbreak that night and joined Eddie.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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