Chapter 8

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This part can be triggering to some, please don't read if this makes you uncomfortable. Mind you this is a book is a venting book.


Summer 2015

Jisung was with his friend Felix as they walked down to the convenient store. The thirteen year olds wanted to get something cold to eat because of how hot it is.

"Did you see the convenient store attendant, he's so cute!" Jisung giggled.

"Yeah, he really is." Felix giggled back. "Not my type but you do you."

They walked into the convenient store and grabbed what they wanted, which was a huge pop and some ice cream.

The older male smiled at the two young boys. Felix paid for his first before waiting for Jisung outside.

The attendant smiled. "I'm Terrance. How about you cutie?" the male asked.

"I'm Jisung." Jisung smiled.

"Here's my number, call me." he handed the boy a piece of paper. The boy giggled, and nodded before grabbing his stuff and leaving.

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Winter 2022

Jisung had calmed down after a while, his body still shaking. "I can't drive." Jisung whispered.

"I know hyung, I'll call Chan!" Jeongin grabbed his phone.

"No, I'll take him." Minho offered.

They nodded, and Minho helped Jisung into the car.

"Hey Jisung?" Minho asked after he started driving.

"Yes?" Jisung asked.

"I'm really sorry. I-I was a stupid kid who thought that life was easy. Everything was given to me, and I never knew what it was like to struggle." he apologized.

"It's okay Minho, turn left at the next light." the younger said, not looking him in the eye.

The elder nodded, and turned left at the light. Jisung guided him to the grade school that Jisung's son attends. He should have club today at the school.

Minho watched as Jisung got out, and then soon came back with a little boy in his arms, even though he was probably way to heavy for Jisung, but Jisung still held him.

After getting buckled in, Minho took the two home.

Jisung thanked him, and left.

"Wait!" Minho yelled.

Jisung turned around.

"Um, can I like, take you out to coffee?" Minho asked.

The younger's eyebrows furrowed. "Like a date?"

"Well- um..."

"Lee Minho are you asking me on a date?" Jisung asked again.

The elder gulped. "Yeah."

"Lemme think about it." the younger held out his hand. "Give me your phone."

Minho stumbled over himself to grab his phone and unlock it. The younger added himself as a contact, and then went upstairs to his apartment.

The elder had never been so nervous. He was rich, he could have anybody but Jisung...

He bit his lip, and smiled. He had Han Jisung's number. A smile appeared on the male's face. He was hopefully going to go on a date with somebody who he never thought he could ever date.


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