|| The Introduction to His Start || CH.7

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//There's also going to be some Korean in this chapter since PghLFilms is Korean. Why did I want to add it? For diversity:D//

||P.O.V: 3rd (Omniscient)||
Mimi and Giraffy ran outside to the sounds of ear shattering screams and the smell of...


They saw Lego, he looked. Awfully different, he seemed he was taller, like over 10ft and he was some black silhouette or, he became. One of them...but, that would be impossible right? They realized there was some soundtrack they heard near him like they would hear from the infected, it was dark, energetic, and eerie..it sent shivers through both Mimi and Giraffy.
"I..I think I'm seeing things..", murmured Giraffy, "N-No..he's, he's real", whispered Mimi, "You're lying, oh wait! Shit, he heard us..", Giraffy and Mimi were then pulled up onto the roof, it was George. "Oh! Hey-", George shushed Mimi, "Careful, he can hear whispers from...I believe if I remember from Science, almost 10 miles away", all of their visions have then turned black...

||L-go's POV:||
There is no POV for him in this paragraph, who am I? Not the author of course, anyways what Mimi and Giraffy saw. Was a Nalloxè, it's a type of demon/dragon figure who takes the form of a human, they're not usually that hostile..but they could be if you make them look at you the wrong way. Well..I think I'll just pop around between chapters, and no this isn't a reference from the Doors game where you die and someone(something) is giving you advice. I'm an actual character you'll see later, hint: I'm part if your beloved PGHŁF¡ŁMS...

||Lego's POV:||
"Never call me that, AGAIN. Or this will be worse", I threatened, "H-HOW CAN YOU MAKE THIS WORSE YOU BIT...ugh! I CAN'T SAY IT", screams the guard in pain, "Good, and make it stay that way. Someone's going to be watching your mouth after I'm done with YOU.". I then threw him against the ground, I heard a voice, "I know where you are, come down from the roof or I'll go myself", I said. There was no response, "I'll say it again, if you don't show yourself, I'll make you do it.", I said with grim, "I'll count to fucking three, if you don't get your asses down here. I'll go up and make you end up just like that GUARD", I screamed. I started counting, "ONE...TWO...this is your last, warning", I took I deep breath then, "THREE...Looks like you're dog shit", I jumped up onto the rooftop and heard footsteps. It was George, someone inside was telling me not to hurt him, but I didn't care. He started to speak, "Lego, I don't know why you're acting like this, but please quit your shitty presence as that Villain AU...", I didn't listen. My mind slowly drifted off into my thoughts..I wanted people to suffer, but not die cause I don't care about them enough to put them out of their MISERY. It's quite fun being the Villain, "HEY, are you even listening?! THIS IS IMPORTANT!!", screamed George, "No, I was deep in my thoughts instead", I said. George was beginning to say something again, but I shoved my right arm through his chest and tore out his beating heart and kicked him onto the ground, I tossed the heart to my left hand. I stood there, he laid on the floor. "Watch it kid, always be alert next time", I said with a cheerful smile. "Augh! Why-", his whines of sheer pain made me smile, "Why?! Because I wanted you to shut your ass up, and say hello to sweet death!", I pointed the charged machine extending from the socket of my shoulder, "나중에 봐, 조지..(See you later, George..)", when I was about to shoot, he said something that made me, made me feel quite uneasy...

"Nathan, I'm sorry if you don't like being called that but I have something I needed to say, you've been pretty quiet lately. So if you need anyone to talk to...we're here for you Nathan, if you say you can't explain. It's fine we'll still listen when you're ready and support you on the way, look. I might be a child but I...I- I always worried about you ever since we left the house, you've been your opposite and...I'm sorry if this next part is uncomfortable for you, but I've sometimes heard you tear up a bit in the night. I always would turn on my side and wrap my arms around you, I want you make sure you're okay. So please, I don't want you to get any worse or stay cold hearted like you are right now"

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