Chapter 4:The throne room

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Mei closed her eyes and held Kiana close not knowing what the fog was doing. Once she opened them to find a throne 5 feet from them.

Why did the fog take me here? She thought while admiring the room.

The room had navy walls that had a star pattern with a white tiled floors, embroidered with a crescent moon. The carpet was a bright lavender purple with a pinkish hue. Curtains with flowers hanging from them. Then the was the color of moonlight and it shone like it. The shine wasn't glaring to the face but had a very calming feel to it, like an old friend greeting you. The top of the throne has a crown looking shape just like...

Wait, is this throne room supposed to be connected to kiana-chan?

How, she right here with me?
Was the fog her power to bring me here?
Did she do it for me to put her on the throne to keep the Honkai sealed?

Why did she do this?

As she was in her thoughts, a small grunt was heard that snapped her out of it. Kiana eyes flicker open for a moment, "M-ei-sen-pai" she spoke but very slowly and in spades. "Kiana-chan are you okay?! You fell after sealing the Honkai!" She asks, very worried but also glad to see her.

"Ye-ah, i'm ok-ay, c-an you pl--l-ease put me o-n the throne."

"Sure but why?"

"Be-caus-e it-s co-m-fy." she spoke like she sat on the throne before. Then she nuzzled against Mei.

Seeing Kiana and understanding she walked over to the throne made for her. As she was walking she kept seeing Kiana memories. Some blissful and some that can make you cry. Some of them almost made her cry. Through her walking and seeing the memories, she made it to the throne.

"Kiana-chan we're here." she spoke in a calming but saddened voice.
She carefully placed Kiana on the throne, she looked at her and saw she was asleep. Though her face looks really saddened, maybe because she can't come home. Mei wanted to do something but  she was asleep and she felt like there was nothing she could do but she leaned in and gave Kiana a kiss on her forehead.

"Good night, Kiana-chan" then started to walk away but something held her or what felt like it. She couldn't move, well move her lower body. She tried to break free but couldn't. "Argh, why isn't my body moving?" she said as she was trying to break free she saw ghostly arms holding her waist. The pinkish to purplish hue color that looked like the figure before Kiana turned into the herrscher of Finality.

Don't go...

Mei-senpai, please stay with me for a little while...

Please stay with me...

Kiana thoughts flowing into Mei's.

I just want to talk to you one last time.

Once those words were thought, the hold became looser, like she was going to wait for the answer. Mei not wanting to leave as well, though she was a bit hesitant. When she felt like she was ready, the grip on her was released and the ghostly figure disappeared
. She walked over to the throne, to Kiana. She bent down and placed her head on her lap, and her hands on Kiana's hands.

Some energy was flowing through Mei causing her to become sleepy all of a sudden.

Feeling the warmth of Kiana and how they are the knight and princess

Mei thought, well the trusted knight never leaves their princess.

Then everything went dark.

the Origin and it's FinalityOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz