The hug that changed everything

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I make my way through the gates of Nevermore to join everyone else who has been standing out of danger from Crackstone.

"where's Wednesday?"

Before I could even look up, I see a figure in pink running towards me. 

She is covered in blood & mud, the last time I saw her she was battling the Hyde, I did not want to leave her alone in the woods with him knowing what he can do, especially that this is her first transformation, but I had no choice, I had to get back to Nevermore to end Crackstone once and for all.

She runs as fast as she can towards me, but she has a bad limp. She runs up to me and gives me the biggest hug I have ever seen, I pull her away to look at her, she knows that I don't like hugs but after I see the look on her face, with tears bursting out of her eyes, blood and mud  all through her hair , face and everywhere else. She looks like she has been through hell and back. How can I say no to her.

I do the unthinkable

I pull her in for a hug and she melts into the embrace. I can feel her cling onto me as tightly as she physically could at the moment., like I am the only person in the world right now. She whimpers and cries like a puppy but I can feel the smile on her face in the crook of my neck. 

What is this feeling in my chest? I don't like it. 

I can feel eyes staring at us, but I do not care, if this is what Enid needs right now, I am not going to deny it, even though I despise physical touch. 

We hugged for what felt like an eternity for me but was only really about 3 minutes, this is the longest I have ever hugged someone or let alone even been this close to, not even my parents.

People start to head back to Nevermore, with the sheriffs ok to head back with no immediate danger, it has been a long night for everyone.

" we should head back, I usually enjoy the sight of someone being injured but if we don't head back soon, one of your wounds might get infected." I say.

Enid sighs and pulls me back to look at my face one more time, her eyes are like blue sapphires shining through all the mud and gunk all over her face.   

What is this feeling I am suddenly getting when I look at her? Weird.

"o-ok, Ya, I have been out here all night and I feel like shit right now." Enid said. 

The side of my mouth twitches, I quickly conceal it so no one would notice. 

Enid tries to walk but as soon as she lets go of me, she stumbles over and grabs onto my shoulder to get her balance back. 

"Whoa, I guess I'm more worn out than I thought I would be after my first transformation."

I put her arm around my neck and Ajax ran over to help me.

I give him an evil glare, but I don't deny his help because I don't know how I am going to get her up to our room on the 3rd floor in the state she is in, plus, my other shoulder is still useless because of the arrow wound.

Me and Ajax help her up the stairs to our room, has it always taken this long to get to our room? 

After about 20 minutes of carrying Enid up to our room from the woods, we were finally there. 

I open up the door, Thing runs in and jumps on Enid's bed, it is just how it was when I left, the pilgrim did not disturb this side of the school, the other half, was not as lucky. 

We sat her down on her bed, all 3 of us exhausted now. 

"Thank you both so much" Enid said.

"No prob, it is the least I could do." Ajax said. 

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