The nightmare

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I hear the door of our room open; I am still out on the balcony, just watching everything and anything for probably about an hour. I walked back in through the window and saw Enid getting her bags out to start packing for the extended brake. 

"Sorry I was a bit longer than I thought I would be, Yoko was telling me about what her family is planning on doing for the brake and then my brothers came over and I was talking to them for a while."

"It is fine, I was just out here observing all the chaos."

I close the window and take off my coat.

"Hey, how long have you been out there? The room is freezing!"

She looks at me with her arms wrapped around her body pouting at me. 

"don't be such a baby, it is fine" I say.

"Well, most of us don't like the feeling of being in a morgue like you." 

I feel the side of my lips twitch up, why is this happening so much lately? Every time she makes a joke and a morbid one at best, I feel emotions that I never experienced before. 

I go over to her chair and sit down watching her pack. She starts to take her clothes from the drawers and neatly fold them up into her bag. I feel weird just sitting there, but I do not know what she is taking with her and what she is leaving here for the new year. I try to think of something to say. 

"So, I bet you are excited to tell your parents that you wolfed out finally."

She stops for a moment from packing her bag like she is trying to think about what she is going to say to me.

"Oh, um, Ya, I am sure that they are going to be happy that it finally happened, I hope I can fit in with my family now and I will not be looked down on and be the pack disgrace."

How could they look down on her like that? Don't they know that she is one of the bravest people I know, and that is saying something, and she took on a Hyde, an out-of-control maniac monster that if she was not there to stop him, I would be dead right now? 

"Enid? How can they look down on you like that? You are far from a disappointment, you saved me last night from the Hyde and on your first transformation nonetheless."

I could feel the back of my neck start to get hot just as I said that, and a pink blush started to form on Enid's cheeks. Then she looked down again with a sad face.

"Ya, I know, it is just... my mum is always so hard on me being the only girl in the family with my 3 older brothers, we must keep the Sinclar name strong and there is no room for disappointments. Me not wolfing out still at the age of 16 is something that they look down on, I just hope I can be normal now. "

I see a tear start to form in the corner of her eye, but she wipes it away.

"Who wants to be normal? Normal is for boring people that want to waste their life away and not get anything done with their miserable lives. You are far from normal Enid and that is ok."

She looks at me with wonder in her eyes, her blue eyes shimmering with tears in them looking straight at me, I have to look away. 

"Wens, thank you, no one has ever said anything like that to me. I just hope that my mum will see me, and except me for who I am."

Still sitting in the chair, I get up and walk over to her on the floor where she was sitting, I extend my arms out into a hugging pose, her face becomes all mushy and she stands up and hugs me.

Why am I doing this, in the past 24 hours I have hugged this girl 3 times now plus cuddled with her in her bed when we slept. What is happening to me? 

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