Goodbye for now

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I hear an alarm clock going off but for some reason I do not want to wake up. I hear it chirping but I do not want to move, my eyes are still closed, I feel warm and cozy, normally I do not like this feeling but right now I do.

I eventually open my eyes and all I see is blond hair in front of me, then I realize I still have my arms wrapped around Enid from last night. My face starts to heat up. 

I didn't want to move but the sound of the alarm clock going off was getting violently annoying. Then just as I was about to unwrap my arms from her, the sound stopped. I look over and see Thing on the nightstand and he does his little bow then scampers off somewhere in the room before I can say anything.

I turn back to Enid in my arms. I am highly aware of everything now that I am awake. The way she is breathing, how her hand is twitching in my own as she sleeps and how she feels so warm and cozy and her hair, it smells like lavender. Ugh what is happening? 

Then in that moment, with me wrapped around her and looking at her unconscious body, it hits me..., I think I am starting to get feelings for her.

No no no, I am not going to fall into this damm family curse. 

I do not want to turn into my parents, they cannot stand one moment away from each other. Since they got married, they never spent a night apart. I thought my father was going to lose his mind when he got wrongly arrested. As soon as they were reunited, they could not keep their hands off of each other. Gross.

I do not want to be dependent on someone, I want to just be me and do what I want and not worry about others. That is why I seem to push people away; I do not want to get attached to anything or anyone. 

But Enid.... She breaks everything I believe in.

We are total opposites, she is all colorful and bubbly and well, I prefer the darker things in life that creep normal people out. When I first got here, I did not think we would work out, but over time, we started to get close. That has never happened before with someone outside of my family. 

When I did things that usually have people running for the hills or would say that it is disturbing, Enid just accepted me and what I do and like, but she did make me put the murder bord for the investigation in with Eugine's bees because she kept passing out.

Then things got messy when I had to mislead her to go to the Gates mansion for the case, and to be fair, we did almost die, but that put a wage in between us. As she stormed out of our room to go be with Yoko, I felt an emotion I have never felt, I think it was gilt but why would I feel that way if it helped us get what I needed for the case? 

I felt weird for the few days that she was not there, but I did not let it show. She would occasionally show back up into our room when she thought I would not be there, or she said that she forgot something, but I would not apologize for what I did. Then when Thing got stabbed because I was out on a 'date' with Tyler that I later found out was just a distraction. 

I was experiencing all kinds of emotions and when I got to the room and I saw that Enid was back, I felt a warm feeling in my chest. Then she had to ask about Tyler and like I said, my feelings were all over the place that day, I was not thinking straight, and I ended up kissing him. 

Witch in the end helped but I was angry that I got used and was wrong. I hate when I am wrong. 

Then the fight, me almost dying, and then me, making a deal with my ancestor so I could go and stop Crackstone. It was a long day. 

At the end of everything I see Enid running towards me with the mud and blood all over and pulling me into that hug. I think that is where things started to get realized. 

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