The aftermath

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I still have my eyes closed, why do I feel so relaxed? Then I feel an arm wrapped around my side and my eyes soot open. All the things that happened last night come flooding back to me, Tyler, Crackstone, almost dying and then having my ancestor heal all my wounds and Enid.

I look over and see the blond girl tightly wrapped around me and she looks so peaceful. I do not move one muscle, but I continue to stare at her. Normally I cannot stand someone even touching me and now I feel like I am being squeezed to death, but I don't have the urge to strangle her. Why is that?

Thing gets up from the bottom of the bed and signs "too cute." to me and I mouth back to him "not one word or a finger will get broken. "He bows and then runs off somewhere in the room.

We lay there and then I started to feel Enid move and her eyes open. She looks at me straight in the eyes and starts to register everything. She retracts her arms from around me and squeaks.

"OMG, sorry I know you do not like physical contact with no one."

I look at her, normally I would agree but why do I feel cold and for some god-awful reason missing the feeling of her wrapped around me. I stand up and walk over to the chair to sit down.

"Enid, it is fine, I know that you like all that touchy stuff, and you went through a lot, so it is fine." I say.

Enid eyes soften and she puts on a big doppy smile, and what is that? Is... is she blushing at me? I must do something.
"Just so you are aware, if you speak a word to anyone about this, I will have to kill you."

For some reason her smile gets bigger. what happened to the girl just a few months ago that winced at any mention of me suffocating her in her sleep.

"Oh, I would never dream of ruining your "i don't have any emotions and don't care about anything" vibes. It will be our little secret."

I stare at her, and I can feel a blush coming up my neck. Why is this happening to me. I go to say something back but then Enid phones dings and she looks at it. It is Ajax.

"Ajax said that when we come down that they are serving breakfast as a grab and go in the hallway because there was some fire damage to the dining hall."
I nod.

"He said that everything is a mess and he herd that they are talking about what they are going to do for the rest of the semester."

"Well, we better start getting ready and go down" I say.

She smiles and starts to get up, I notice how she moves and walks slower than normal, she must still be hurting from the fight and no doubt her first time wolfing out.

She notices me watching her as she gets the clothes she is going to wear.

"That fight really took a lot out of me, I hope I don't feel like this every time I wolf out, my parents and brothers always seem to be fine after they transform, so I guess it is just me being weak just like my mu..."
I cut her off.

"Enid, you are far from weak, you took on a Hyde, a monster that many did not make it out alive to tell the tale plus this was your first time wolfing out, I never want to hear you or anyone else call you weak ever again."

She looked at me in wonder and was about to say something when there was knocking on our door.

Knock, knock, knock

"Hey, it is Yoko, can I come in?" I hear from the other side of the door.

Enid gets her clothes and puts them in the bathroom and then walks over to greet Yoko. She opens the door and lets her in, they hug, it is a quick hug, nothing like how we hugged.

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