Chapter 1: Arrival in the new world

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Feeling the chill that traveled up into his spine, the feeling of cold and hunger was the clearest feeling that Sigurd felt after opening up his eyes in this world. There are certainly other feelings such as confusion and fear, but the cold and hunger was the one who stood out the most.

While having his body shivering all over due to the cold, the young man named Sigurd was wearing thin and ragged clothes, his trembling body wrapped in a dirty rag, his hair was unkempt, his trembling body was curled up in a hole that are under a rather small bridge that was neither able to properly shelter him from the wind nor snow outside, with the sight of a desolate and simple european style houses can be seen in the distance.

However, Sigurd clearly remembered that just not too long ago he was merely an ordinary migrant worker living in a peaceful modern world, and yet, in less than a blink of the eyes, the entire world had changed, the already adult Sigurd suddenly turned into a young child with body no older than 10 years old.

While trying to warm himself up by rubbing his hands all over his body, the young man's mind began to go all over the place.

'Is this a dream? I recall from some website in the past that said few people actually were able to wake up inside their dream, but should the feeling that we received in the dream wouldn't be so real?'

Sigurd then took a short breath before quickly pinching his cheek as hard as he could. When blood starts to show, he stops, his suspicion starts to grow.

He squatted down to gather some heat, while his mind began to quickly work up to understand his situation better. After a while, he started to notice the similarity of his situation with some of the characters of a few fanfiction that he read a long time ago.

'Could I have just been transported into another world like in those stories i read quite a while ago? but I hadn't done anything bad or heinous in my life to make my arrival this dangerous, right?'

The feeling of cold water splashing up at his shoulder startled him up, Sigurd swirled his up above, only now realizing the various gaps on the bridge, gaps that are big enough to let a few trickles of cold water splashes down to anyone unlucky enough to be standing below it.

"Shit, I can't sleep here. With an empty stomach like this, there is a high chance i won't be waking up after taking a short nap."

While the situation that surrounded him is irrational and absurd, to survive, Sigurd must kept thinking logical and rational, no matter how dire his situation is, no matter what had happened to him, no matter who did it to him, his survival now takes priority over all else.

There is no food nor drink that can be found around the dirty and dilapidated small bridge hole, while the world outside the bridge hole was made from ice and snow.

Shrinking and waiting under the bridge would only shrink his chance of survival even further, while going outside right now also equally dangerous to him, the chance of survival would still be greater, since if gods allow it, he can met some nice people that can take him in for a while, or at least he can find some food or drink that can prolong his life.

Sigurd's body trembled due to the cold, and with great difficulty, got up, he staggered a few steps, and after getting used to walking with his weak, cold, and fragile body, decided to go out to look for a chance to survive in the outside world.

Wearing a pair of broken shoes with toes exposed on both sides, the moment his feet stepped on the cruel world filled to the brim with ice and snow, his whole body was assaulted with chills that penetrated deep into his bone marrow.


Sigurd couldn't help taking a deep breath in pain, and then took a decisive step forward, his time is scarce, so each second was more precious than the last, and the more he hesitated at doing anything, the less chance he could see the shining sun of tomorrow.

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