Chapter 3: Midnight Slaughter

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Just like what Sigurd had said, his eyesight deteriorates dramatically when he's in the dark. But fortunately, in the brightly lit room, the light coming through the windows is enough to clearly clarify the scene in the room.

Also, due to this, Sigurd can also easily see where each member of the gangs are inside the house.

"I see two people in front of the window on the first floor, and one in front of the window on the second floor, from the look of it, they are the people in charge of security."

The noisy noise inside the building has long subsided, and Sigurd knew that, except for the vigilant ones, most of the rest of the guys inside the building should have passed out drunk.

So, the time has come.

Should he wait for dawn to come, while it's true that Sigurd's eyesight can be restored, but most of the people in the room will also be awake by then. What's more, after waiting overnight, Sigurd's physical strength and state will also decline accordingly, and his own combat power may not be stronger than at this moment.

Therefore, doing it at midnight is the best time.

Sigurd gestured to Kiana with his head, and then started to aim the crossbow in his hand toward 3 of the patrolling gang members.




Three arrows soar into the air in a row, from loading the arrow into the crossbow, into aiming then and letting them loose, the whole process takes less than three seconds, and the aim has already been adjusted to the best through his brain analysis results, even without using his own eyes to aim, the percentage of each one of his arrow hitting a headshot is 100%.

Soon, three successive sounds of broken glass came, but due to the silence when the arrow on the crossbow was released, their exact location would not be revealed.

Sigurd knew that the arrow that he had shot certainly hit their mark, he knew that he had just murdered 3 men.

However, unexpectedly, his mood is very calm right now.

The psychological preparation had already been done during the monitoring, and besides a little nervousness, Sigurd didn't feel any discomfort when he actually killed someone.

Kiana, who was lying next to him, scratched the snow and dirt on the ground a little bit reluctantly, but she didn't look away from what was happening in front of her.

"Now, you are my eyes."

Sigurd's exhortations were imprinted in her mind, and Kiana knew that the matter of Sigurd life and death were now directly related to her observation skill.

There was a brief commotion in the house.

An unlucky guy poked half his head out of the window on the first floor, thinking he was carefully observing the enemy's situation outside the window.

Then he was taken away by Sigurd with an arrow.

Then, the lights in the house went out.

It's originally noisy, but when the netizens of the house notice the attack from outside, the entirety of the house has fallen into dead silence .

"There are seven more people."

Sigurd said, not only for himself, but also for Kiana who was the eye.

Worried that Kiana was too nervous, Sigurd reached out his hand and patted her on the back.

"I'm fine." Kiana gritted her teeth, staring at the windows and doors of the house, not even daring to blink.

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