Chapter 2: An Idiot Named Kiana

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When the transmigrated man woke up again from his unintended slumber, Sigurd felt like his whole body was scorching, as if he had slept on top of a burning bonfire.

It only took him a moment before he dismissed this thought process, since he realized the main reason why his body was burning hot was because of the white haired loli who tightly hugged his body.

Sigurd opened his eyes with great reluctance, and was greeted with the sight of a drooling face of the white haired girl.

Upon closer inspection, the sleeping posture of the two of them are now tightly attached to each other. The white haired girl was only wearing a rather thin white colored underwear, and the state of the two of them could be described as sleeping with a lot of skin-to-skin contact.

Outside of their makeshift bed, both of the kids were being covered with the clothes that the little white haired girl had taken off, and then Sigurd's own dirty quilt.

And the source of warmth that enveloped his body was coming from the body temperature of this little dumpling.

"She saved my life."

That's the conclusion that Sigurd ended up with, since there is no way he would be able to open up his eyes again should he faint amid the cold wind.

Realizing that, Sigurd's impressions toward the girl can't help but to rise up a little, he tried to move out of their makeshift bed, but the grip that the little girl had on him was too great, so in the end he can only squirm helplessly beside the sleeping girl.

"Ah! You're awake! Great!"

The little white haired girl also woke up soon due to the movement that she felt coming from her arms, and upon seeing that Sigurd was awake, and noticeably having a better complexion than before, a happy smile bloomed on her face.

"Don't you think my body stinks?"

Seeing her bright smile, Sigurd asked with confusion, frown marred his face.

This new body of his has not been cleaned for an unknown amount of time. When Sigurd just crossed over to this cold land, he almost died due to the smell that came out from his own body, and the little girl beside him hugged Sigurd with all of her might all night.

The little girl wrinkled her nose in distaste and said with a look of disgust clear on her face:

"Of course it smells really stinks! But there is no way, I can't just watch you freeze to death, after all, you gave me your bread"

"Okay, thank you, because of you, I'm still alive." Began Sigurd. "But! don't do this kind of thing with boys next time. In theory, only your future husband is eligible to sleep with you."

He would continue on his rebuke, but a sad knowledge made itself known to the man. 'Wait, no, that's not right either. It seems that in the modern world, both man and woman are feasting at each other flesh every now and then, and those who pay attention to their purity and innocence are the minority'

'Should this girl be an adult, I would have no right to tell her off, but since we are both children now, it is better not to learn bad things so early in life.'

While Sigurd was busy thinking deeply about the topic of morality and childhood innocence, the little white haired ball beside him tilted her head cutely and asked. "Husband? What is a husband? Can you eat it?"

"Yes and no, you will understand about it in the future. If there is a chance, I will help you find the most suitable one for you in the future."

The kind of husband Sigurd had in mind for this little girl was someone who is bright in both their heart and mind, something that while quite rare in the world, it's plenty enough to be easy to find.

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