Chapter 1

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Lev pov

Hi, I'm Lev haiba and I'm 17 years old.
I am an alpha, i am half Russian half Japanese and i have an older sister named Alisa haiba.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing. I sighed and got up and went to the bathroom.

When i was young my father was a really messed up person, he wanted me to be the most powerful alpha and sometimes he would hit me and my sister who was also, an alpha. He girlfriend's name is Miwa kageyama, she's the sister of kageyama, who goes to our school. (Read the AN to understand)

I brushed my teeth and did my hair and put on my uniform.

I had a crush on Yaku morisuke, an omega. I thought i had a chance with him until he started dating someone called Auyume. I didn't really like the guy he was kinda toxic. But luckily yaku broke up with him 3 months ago.

I made it to school. And went to my locker.

"Heyyy! Haiba" someone called out. It was kuroo and behind were bokuto and iwaizumi.

"Hey kuroo-san!" I said excitedly.

"What class ya have right now?" "Chemistry.." i said with a huff

"Awh! Lucky you" kuroo said.

"Hey Hey Hey! Lev" bokuto cheered.

"Hey bokuto!" I said. "Soooo how are you and yaku~" kuroo asked me.

I blushed at the thought of yaku. "We're fine"

"Yah sure~" kuroo smirked.

I stared at him. Bokuto then spoke up.
"HEY HEY AGHGAAASHII!" Bokuto yelled.

I saw akaashi coming up to the lockers. "Hello bokuto-san and please lower your voice " he looked tired. Like he stood up all night.

"Are you ok Akaashi? Did you sleep well? " Bokuto spoke calmly.

"No and No bokuto-san. I stood up studying all night and i lost track of time" the male answered.

Akaashi was a study freak. He studied so much. He was top of his class.

"You need to take a break akaashi" someone said. It was kenma.

"I can't kenma i still have a lot to study."

"I know but you need to take a break your too hard on your self" kenma answered.

"Okay fine I'll try to rest."  Then i saw kuroo blushing when he saw kenma and then he turned his face .

Then we heard the bell ring. "Sorry guys i gotta go! I'll see y'all after okay"

"Bye Lev!" Bokuto yelled. And we all ran to class. And i came surprisingly early.

Then everyone entered and the teacher came in. I had a class with inouka. Who i think is an alpha. The teacher was explaining some shit about chemical reactions or something i don't know.

Then i started to think about yaku, god he was so pretty. those eyes, his thighs, his ass. Damn i was really in love with him.

"Lev! Why are you zoning out! You need to focus for your upcoming exam"

my teacher yelled. I then snapped out of my thoughts. And then i realized i had a little problem. God i know why this happened..

"Yeah mm sorry miss, it wont happen again" "ok Lev"

I then raised my hand. "Actually can i go to the bathroom?" "Sure"

I stood up and hid my boner under my shirt. Thank god it wasn't visible.

I went to one of the stalls and locked the door. And unbottened my pants and my member almost jumped out. I then started stroking slowly and then started going faster. I bit my lip to not release any moans. I then cummed in my hand and bottened my pants.

I got out of the stalls. And cleaned up and went to the bathroom.

And i sat down at my seat. "Hey are you ok?" Inouka asked.

"Yes I'm fine." I replied.

Class soon ended. And i had math next.

I went to my locker and got my books. And i met someone.

"Hey Lev" i turned around and it was yaku. I blushed and my ears went down.

"U-uh hi yaku" "what class do you have right now?" "Math" "cool i have physics"

And then the bell rang. Phew that saved me.

"Uh i gotta go yaku-san! See ya at lunch!"

"Ok bye"  i then walked to my next class.

5 classes later it was lunch time. I walked to the rooftop where me and the others and some other people are there.

I puto on my headphones and put on my Lana del Rey playlist. And waited for the others. I leaned on the wall and closed my eyes.

Awhile later i felt someone poke me. I opened my eyes and it was kuroo, i then took my headphones off.

"Hellooo. Earth to Lev" he said. "What?"

"We've been trying to let you listen to us for 10 minutes" " are you blind i have headphones on"

"Oh sorry" he said. We then sat down on the bench. I saw yaku,suga,akaashi and oikawa coming towards us.

"Heyyy iwa-chan!" Oikawa said. "Hey shittykawa" iwaizumi said

Next to me were kageyama,kuroo, bokuto, daichi, tsukishima and iwaizumi. They then sat down next to us.

" I heard there was going to be two new students tomorrow, apparently they are twins" oikawa said while eating.

"Wow! Twins?! Cool"

"I hope they are nice" yaku said


Hiii this is my first chapter hope you guys liked it. If you have any requests for next chapter let me know ❤️❤️


Me and you~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora