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Warnings: Yandere behavior
Obsessive behavior
Possessive behavior
Delusional behavior
Mention of death/possible graphic description of death/murder
Slight swearing
Toxic/forced relationship
Possible angst

Any other warnings will be stated later if there are any. So if any of these warnings or things related to them trigger or make you uncomfortable, please don't read any further.

I don't condone to any toxic actions portrayed in this book, it's all purely for fiction.

I'll also be using French for some of Rook's parts and I'll put translations at the end of the chapters i use it in. Though, I do apologize if I get anything wrong, I unfortunately forget certain words to use, so if any of you correct me then I greatly appreciate it.

I also apologize if updates are slow, I'll try to update as much as I can though. And hopefully it won't be too cringy for you lovely readers and you'll enjoy. But if not, again I'm deeply sorry.

Mon Fol Amour Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt