/1/ An Odd Ceremony

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After that day, your departure to NRC had come far quicker than intended. But you were still happy when the ebony carriage appeared, hoping that this would give you the change of pace you had been wanting.

Which was why you had wished Neige well. Excitedly entering the carriage to wait for when the ceremony began.

~Time Skip~

Of course, you didn't have to wait to terribly long to awaken within the coffin. You could hear quite a bit of shouting coming from outside. Leading you to question what exactly was going on.

That was when the lid to your coffin was opened, allowing you to sit up and stretch your fairly stiff body. Soon glancing around to take in the room that contained quite a few floating coffins and the large Dark Mirrors. Your (e/c) eyes soon meeting the dark purple ones of your best friend.

"Vil-san," you suddenly called out to the beautiful blonde. The corners of his lips turning up in a rare smile.

"Ah. (Y/n), it's so good to see you," He spoke while you finally exited the coffin.

"Likewise." You came to notice how crowded the room was now. Yet there was absolutely no sign of Headmaster. "..is the Headmaster not here?"

At the mention of Crowley, the blonde infront of you sighed in frustration. "It seems that one of the first years tried to leave school grounds before the ceremony even began. I imagine he's gone to fetch them," he explained simply. "Until then, we shall continue the ceremony like we always do. So please hurry and go be sorted into your dorm, (y/n).."

You nodded, finding it strange that a first year was even able to get out of a coffin let alone attempt to leave school grounds. "Right.. I'll go do that then."

You then turned your attention towards the Dark Mirror again that was placed in the center of the room.

You slowly walked closer to the mirror as everyone was now watching you. Yet you chose to ignore there stares as you finally stood infront of the face in the mirror

You were suddenly struck with an odd feeling of nervousness. Taking a deep breath before you looked up to see It's intense glower. A harsh voice soon speaking.

"State thy name," it commanded. As you began to question which dorm you'd be placed in. Hoping that whichever one it was you wouldn't have to much of a difficult time.

"(Y/n) Leblanche," you replied. Unaware of the green eyes that were watching you like the others. Yet they seemed to widen in suprise at the sound of your name before the person they belonged to began to grin in exitment.

The mirror was silent for a moment. "(Y/n) Leblanche..." It seemed to be thinking as it's gaze pierced right through you. "I sense a student with quite the potential,  and intelligence. shape of thy soul is..."

You waited in anticipation as the mirror continued to stare at you, soon speaking again when it had finally reached a decision.


Your expression brightened as you turned in the direction of Vil. Seeing him clap while you couldn't be happier to get into Pomefiore. Mainly for the reason that you were familiar with quite a bit of it from chatting with Vil, so it wouldn't be to hard to become accustomed to.

That was when the doors opened to reveal the Headmaster, holding a cat monster he had trapped in a whip along with another boy, who made sure that the hood still covered him as he followed after Crowley.

A fairly short male had then taken center stage, turning his attention to the boy and the Headmaster. He had red hair, though you couldn't tell much else about him from the hood over his head. "Ah, he's here."

The Headmaster let the door slam shut behind him as he sauntered to the middle of the room. The strange boy seeming to stay behind, gingerly glancing around the room. And you almost began to feel bad for him.

Quickly bringing your attention away from him and back towards Headmaster Crowley, when he had started speaking once again. "I apologize for the wait. We were missing a student and I had to go find them." He announced to the room.

He turned back towards the boy, stepping to the side with another brisk bow. He was certainly chivalrous, you thought. Finally stepping away from the Dark Mirror to go stand beside Vil to watch as the situation only became even more terrible for the new boy.

~Time Skip~

After the weird cat monster who called himself Grim, had been caught and soon thrown out it was finally time for the ceremony to end.

Crowley let out a sigh, turning to all the students with a pleasant smile. Clasping his hands together. "We had a bit of trouble along the way, but that brings this year's entrance ceremony to a close." he gave a small bow to all the dorm leaders. "Dorm leaders, please show the new students back to the dormitories,"

He then paused suddenly. "Come to think of it, I don't see the leader of Diasomnia; Mr. Draconia here at all.." his voice trailed off.

A tall male with lion ears was quick to pipe up, "it's no different than usual, is it?"

You could hear the students begin in a quiet uproar of chatter after that. Turning to look at Vil, who had his arms crossed as he glared at one of the new first years in annoyance. While you merely sighed at his unsurprising behavior.

"Vil..." You muttered to get his attention as he finally glances at you from the corner of his eye.

Being quick to regain his normal stoic demeanor. "Right, let's head back to the dorm then. There's someone I've been meaning to introduce you to," He announced, motioning for you to follow him towards the mirror to get to Pomefiore.

However, you couldn't help but become curious by his words as you enter the mirror. Who was he going to introduce you to?

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