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You could remember clearly when troublesome things had really began to occur.

You had started to desperately crave a change from the same old, dull school that was Royal Sword Academy. And Vil's constant pleading with you to join NRC hadn't helped your thoughts either. The only real downside to going was that you'd be leaving behind the friends you had made along with your younger brother that you cared for. But despite the doubts, everything had still ultimately lead you to caving on attending the rivaling magic school.

With that decision in mind, you immediately knew that Vil and Neige would have to be the first people you told this to, separately of course. After all, you had been best friends with Vil long enough to know the jelousy he held towards your younger brother, which was why you chose to keep everything between them and you separated from each other. It was just better that way.

Once you had finally told Vil, he had promised to prepare for your special arrival. And although you were exited to see him more often, trying to find a day where you could also tell Neige had distracted you from experiencing that joy. The both of you were always so busy with fans, preparing for the new school year, along with so many other things that piled on top of each other so there never was a day for you to just get out what you were needing to tell him. And with the day of your departure nearing even closer, you knew you could no longer wait.

Which was why you had spent most of the time planning to explain all of this to Neige in a more private area later after the handshake event you two were participating in had ended. But until then, it was starting to feel like the time was dragging on.

Sure, the day was relatively peaceful and you couldn't be happier meeting some of your fans. They were what made the complications you faced when being a singer all worth it after all.
Yet you still held a desperation to hurry up with this event and tell everything to the black haired boy that sat beside you now.

So you endured through it, smiling as brightly as possible to the various fans that had come up to greet you two, reaching out to take their hands in your own to shake. This was certainly something you had grown accustomed to ever since you had started your career. And that thought was a bit sad, you knew it was all apart of being a celebrity.

However, there were always a few fans that seemed to stand out amongst the vast crowd of people. One of them thqt you could remember specifically had certainly left a strong impression as he would show up to every single handshake event you two had to buy all of the photo cards. You never truly understood why he had caught your eye to begin with. But he had and it was always sort of nice to read the letters he would send after the event, signed with a singal R while they contained a poem of his thoughts of the photo cards. Plus, you had to admit that the French nicknames he'd given Neige and you were always an amusing sight to see.

Speaking of the fan, you had already spotted small glances of him weaving his way through the crowd, carrying what was most likely the photo cards he had bought this time. And you couldn't help but smile at that, He certainly was devoted in a strange sort of sense, you thought.

~Time Skip~

The end of the handshake event had finally come, much to everyone's dismay, well, exept yours. You and Neige stood up from the table you had been seated at and quickly waved goodbye to the cheering crowd.

"Thank you all for supporting us!" Neige announced with his signature closed eyed smile.

"Thank you, everyone. let's meet again soon!" You were then ushered off outside as the crowd had followed you all out.

As soon as you stepped foot into the cool air, multiple voices of the paparazzi flooded your hearing along with the continuous clicking and snapping of the cameras. Requesting you two to look at the or pose or even just smile for them.

"(Y/n), Neige! Over here!"

"Smile for the camera!"

"Say cheese!"

However, the person who also held a camera towards you two that actually managed to catch your attention was that familiar blonde. How in the world had he gotten outside so fast? You couldn't exactly wrap your head around that but you smiled and sent a small wave at the male nonetheless. His green eyes widened for a moment before he gave a flustered almost odd looking smile back and took a perfect picture of you.

Once you had seen the flash of his camera go off, you began wondering who the male may be. Though, you'd probably never get to actually meet him.. would you?

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