Chapter 1

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[warning: this story is hella rushed, I recommend not to read this. it's very cringe, and I would delete it but it's doing well ]

[also please feel free to comment whatever, I read every single persons comments and will reply if I can :) ]

*Laura's POV*

Ughhhh, another day in the hell hole... I mean school. To be honest, school is fine but the people there are just so annoying. If you're wondering why, what normally happens at school...

Nash Grier, Cameron Dallas, Matthew Espinosa, Carter Reynolds, Aaron Carpenter, Shawn Mendes, Taylor Caniff, Jack Johnson and Jack Gilinsky they all bully me. They will do anything to hurt me, kick, punch, slap and call me rude names.

I hate them so much, they ruin my life. I hate always being scared at school, school is supposed to be a happy place... Not for me.

I slowly dragged my limp body out of bed, I walked to the bathroom. Now to turn this ugly mess into a beautiful disaster. I coated my face with a small amount of make up, just to hide the bruises and cuts on my face. I don't cut, people think I do because I get bullied but I feel like there is no reason to cut, I'm going to die anyways. I brushed my brown silky hair and straightened it. My outfit of the day (or OOTD) is black skinny jeans, black tank top, black beanie and black vans. I know what I wear might sound depressing but that's just how I feel when I get bullied. It's the struggle of being bullied.

I went down to the kitchen, great... Mum and Dad are not here... Again. They always have no time to look after me and my little sister Chrissy.

"Morning." I said with a raspy morning voice, Chrissy just looked at me and nodded. Chrissy is the type of 13 year olds who are just too shy to speak.

I grabbed a banana and walked outside, making sure I locked the door. I peeled the banana and started eating and walking to school. Suddenly I hear and honk, great its them again.

"Look what the ugly duckling is eating! A dick!" Nash shouted and they all laughed along. I just rolled my eyes and finished eating my banana and threw it in a nearby bin. I just kept walking to school, while their car followed behind me.

"What do you want?!" I yelled at them in frustration. They all look taken aback because I rarely shouted at them.

"To bully you so you can die, you are not worthy in this world. You don't have a purpose to live." Cameron shouted. Everyone just laughed along and left for school.

Wow, that actually hurts. Maybe I can listen to them and die, I mean who would care anyways... No, I cannot listen to them, that means I'm weak I will stand strong and live my last year at high school. I walked all the way to school, still think about what I should do after my high school years. Should I go to college or start a job. Maybe I should move to another city so I don't have to see them.

"Get to class now!" Mr Dale shouted to me. Oh shit, I was late. I rushed all the way to class without stopping, I barged into class and everyone stared at me even the bullies.

"Well well, look who finally arrived." Taylor shouted. I just rolled my eyes and walked to my seat. I was suddenly tripped up by Taylor and fell to the ground. "Watch where your going nerd."

"Sorry." I mumbled and walked to my seat.

- lunch -

Oh I hated these times at school, I only have 1 friend to sit with. Her name is, Becky. She is really kind and quiet.

"Hey." I said as I sat down next to her. She just looked at me and nodded.

"How you been?" I said trying to make a conversation. She just put a thumbs up.

"Hey look at the ugly fat pig trying to make friends!" Nash shouted and everyone just looked at us. Becky's face started turning red and she scooted away from me. Why do they have to ruin my life, why can't I make friends without being embarrassed?!

- After School -

"Hey bitch." I heard Aaron shout. I turned to look at him.

"What do you want? Trying to suck your friends dicks?!" I yelled at him. He looked surprised, then angry.

"Watch what you're saying." He glared and walked away. I just rolled my eyes and walked back to my house.

On the way, I felt 2 hands grab me and I was pulled into a dark alleyway. I looked at 9 people standing above me. Yeah, you guessed it, it was them.

"Scream and we will beat you harder." Matt threatened. I just nodded because Aaron's sweaty hand was covering my mouth.

Then I felt a sudden pain in the guts. I collapsed to the ground and they started beating me up, I winced as one of the guys slapped my face. The pain was unbearable, my face ached and sore. Why do they do this? What was their purpose?! What did I ever do to them? Why can't I be normal? I felt a sudden urge to cry, but I can't do it in front of them they will laugh their asses off. No, I need to stay strong for my sister. She needs to be looked after, since our horrible parents won't do anything but give us money. I had to live on my own while growing up, I don't want Chrissy to feel how I felt when I was her age. Suddenly I heard sirens coming my way, the boys all stopped and glared at me.

"Did you call the cops?" Carter asked me. I shook my head, unable to speak.

"Guys, let's go before they arrest us. Laura don't tell anyone or you will get worse, ugly fat bitch." Matt said as they all ran away in fear.

The police came to my rescue, just before the boys could go anywhere.

"Put your hands up." The police said as all the guys lifted their hands up.

I felt nauseous and dizzy of the flashlight that shone in my eyes. Suddenly everything went pitch black.


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

I Hate Magcon; old magcon boysWhere stories live. Discover now