Chapter 5

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"I can't believe you betrayed me, I thought you were going to protect me?!" I yelled at him, we were walking to our room when he pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me." He apologized. I can't let this keep happening.

"I'm not going to forgive you. I never will!" I shouted as I slammed the door. I locked it and checked my phone, I had a missed call from mum. I called her back.

"Hey mom, you called?" I asked her, I could hear sniffling from the other end.

"Your dad, he's gone..." Mom said as she started screaming and crying through the phone.

"Dad... He's actually gone..." I was so surprised I dropped the phone, would he leave me at my toughest time? I started to feel tears run down my face, then I screamed.

"Why did you leave me?!" I yelled. I heard knocks coming from the other side of my door.

"Laura! What's wrong! Lemme in!" I heard Chrissy whine.

"Dad is fucking dead!" I yelled as I ended the call with Mom.

"What?! Is he actually g-gone?" I heard Chrissy say.

"I'm not joking, he actually gone for good." I sobbed on my bed.

"Lemme come in!" She yelled. I wobbled over to the door and opened it, Chrissy fell in and we hugged for ages.

"I miss him already." I whimpered. I turned on my phone and started playing music, I touched the shuffle button and the first song was 'see you again'. Great, the perfect song for the perfect moment.

"Hey I heard everything..." I looked up and saw Lucas standing there, I couldn't see any tears on him. Just sadness.

"Leave me alone! You already caused enough trouble." I told him. He nodded and walked out.

- Next Day -

I decided, to honor my father I will dress in all black today for school.
I wore:
Black dress
Black not leggings
Black converse
Black bow
I put my hair into a side braid and walked downstairs, I ignored Lucas who tried apologizing.

I started to walk outside, I looked around. Nash, Cam, Aaorn, Jack G, Matt and Taylor were outside my house in their car, they had ugly smirks on their faces probably planning something evil.

"Why are you so ugly today, you slutty bitch!" Taylor shouted and the rest of them just laughed.

"Why is your face ugly everyday?" I yelled back at him. He stopped laughed and turned to me, he gave me the hardest death glare.

"Watch what your saying." Matt threatened.

"My dad died, do you really think I care about you going to beat me up?" I said, trying to keep in the tears from flooding. Why does my Dad have to go? It wasn't his time yet!

"Yes, yes you should." Taylor gave me an evil smirk, I just rolled my eyes and kept walking.

"You know, I hate you guys. I always will, you guys have ruined my life and you should be grateful for what you have since I barely have half of what you got." I said to them and walked off.

"Slut." I heard Jack G whisper under his breath.

"You're the slut here, you hear me. You guys always have one night stands while I have never had a boyfriend since you will embarrass me." I felt anger climb up my spine and I stormed of into school. I stormed into Mrs Kruger (A/N for Dasha: 😏 Mr Kruyen Snr) class, I looked over and saw Jack J sitting there with Shawn. I just ignored them and sat in my seat.

"Hey." Johnson (Jack J if you got confused) said to me, I looked up at him and stared. His amazing sandy blonde hair was up in a quiff.

Wait... Do I like him?

"Earth to Laura! You there?" He laughed waving his tanned hand in front of my face.

"No, I'm not here." I giggled and he laughed.

"Why you so sad today?" Shawn glared. I really wanted to say you and your friends make me miserable, do you really think I should be happy about it?!

"My dad just passed away, what do you think." I gave him a disgusted look and glared.

"Look I'm sorry for being mean, I don't mean it. It was all Nash and Cameron's idea." Shawn confessed.

"I don't care if you apologize, if Nash and Cameron tell you to jump off a cliff, would you do that?!" I asked him, unbelievable.

"No, of course not... Oh." He realized.

"Exactly, why would you listen to what they say?" I asked him with a glare.

"I don't know, I was stupid." He shrugged.

"And you still are." I giggled.

"Okay class we will be in pairs today!" Mrs Kruger shouted, and she got all out attention. Please be with Johnson, please.

"Your partners are...

Gilinsky and Laura
Shawn and Taylor
Matt and Nash
Johnson and Cameron
Rebecca and Jesse
Kim and Stacey
Eliza and Emily
Amanda and Katherine
Sam and Liam
David and Breah
Zac and Bella (A/N for Dasha: 😆😏 you know who)
Ellie and Michael." Mrs Kruger announced.

Damn it, why do I have to be with Gilinsky ( Jack G ) why can't it be Johnson?! I looked over at the smirking Gilinsky, I gave him the deadliest glare.

"Come to my car after school." Gilinsky said as he walked over to my and handed my a note of paper that said his address.

- After School -

"Come on." Gilinsky said as he pulled my hair to his car. He pushed me in and I was suddenly squished by a bunch of people, my bullies.

"Hey, what this bitch doing here?" Carter asked Gilinsky.

"Oh, she's just doing our project for me." Gilinsky said.

"So you're saying I'm going to do all the work?! You lazy ass bitch!" I shouted. When the car started. Suddenly I felt a sting on my face, Carter just slapped me.

"What the fuck was that for you lazy ass bitch?!" I yelled.

"Shit the fuck up! Gilinsky told you to do the whole project and you do it!" Carter scolded. I just rolled my eyes.

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Hope you enjoyed!

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