When It Rains Make Hot Chocolate

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The next morning both Chay and Macau where woken up by banging on the door. Macau saw the fear in Chays eyes so he gets up and starts walking towards the door. Macau stretches his arm feeling Chay behind him and he opens the door. Pete pushes him self into the room with Vegas walking behind him. "Are you ok? Are you hurt? why didn't you let us know you were sleeping out last night" Pete was asking all these questions while Vegas closed the door. "Im sorry i did tell Vegas i was staying at Chays dorm because we got paired up for a project" said Macau while he pointed at Vegas.

Chay slowly starts backing up to go hide in the restroom he was so close all he had to do now was reach to grab the doorknob and open the door "Chay where are you going? why are you trying to get out this conversation?" asked Pete. Chay turns around and nervously smiled at Pete "I wasn't trying to get out of anything i just thought you guys would want privacy thats all" said Chay. 

Vegas saw how Macau looked at Chay the way that he smiled a little when he saw how nervous Chay was. "It is true Mr. Pete sir we were doing a project and we lost tract of time it was late and i told Macau to stay the night because it was very late and there was also a 50% chance of rain" said Chay which took Macau off guard 'he lied for me how nice of him' thought Macau. "Next time why dont you guys do it at our house instead Pete gets worry about Macau his like his mom" said Vegas Pete glared at him and Vegas just smiled. "Well if it ok with the 3 of you then we will do our projects at your home instead" said Chay Pete smiled at Chay "Yes of course thank you Chay i will be more at peace" said Pete. 

Macau left with pete and vegas leaving a sad Chay in his room. Chay slept all day Vee knocked on his door to see if he wanted to get dinner with him and Mark but there was no answer. Vee knew something had happen Chay doesn't distance himself for no reason. Vee let Chay be he did blow up his phone telling him to eat and if he was doing the project to take breaks. 

Monday rolled around and still no sight of Chay. Tuesday again Vee hadn't heard from Chay and he was getting worried. Macau was also worried he hadn't seen Chay he tried texting about the project and no answer he tried calling and straight to voicemail. 

There was a banging at the door. Chay woke up scared of the banging but regardless he went to open the door. He slowly opens the door just a crack Macu could only see his eye. Macau sees his little eye poking behind the door  "hey sunny may i come in?" said Macau Chay opened the door wider allowing Macau to come in.

Macau had stopped at the school cafeteria and brought him lunch.  Macau and Chay are eating in silence, Macau sees how Chay is eating his food like he hadn't eaten anything in days. Chay hadn't eaten anything in two days all he had done was sleep all weekend he even missed his morning classes today. " Thank you for the food" said Chay looking at his empty plate "yeah of course uhm do you want to work on the project? or I don't know somewhere let's get you out this dorm" said Macau. Chay agreed to go out on a walk just for a bit.

While Chay was in the shower Macau looked around Chays room he looked at some pictures he had framed, some with Vee some with Porche.  Chay came out if the shower ready to go Macau had so many questions why was he acting like this? Why isolate himself? Why out of all people did he choose his cousin? of course he was not going to ask all of those questions. They walked side by side in silence for a minute. Macau was so in his head he had no idea what to say and Chay was in his own little word zoned out making up fake scenarios. Macau finally broke the silence with the most simple yet meaningful question "are you ok?" with that he zoned Chay back in.

Chay didn't respond right away he was quiet looking down at his feet as he walked. "No i'm not ok but I will be" Chay had always been like that he never wanted to burden people with his feelings he would shut down and isolate him self and when he felt better he would come back as if nothing had happen. Macau turned to look at him and stopped walking, he reached him hand out and grabbed Chays wrist to stop him from walking further "you can talk to me you know I promise I wont judge I will listen and no one will ever know about what we talked about" Macau wanted Chay to tell him what was wrong he wanted to help him it hurt him to see him like this. 

Chay didn't say anything he grabbed Macus hand the one holding his wrist and taking off and started walking back to the dorms. Macau looks at his hand disappointed until he heard "are you coming? i'm not going to talk about my feeling in the street plus is getting cloudy and windy I think its going to rain soon" Macau looks up and sees Chay waiting for him a few feet away and with skipping a beat he speeds walks towards Chay.

Chay was right it was going to rain. As they were walking to Chay's dorm it started to rain and it wasn't a light rain I'm talking Pouring rain heavy ass rain with thunder and lighting the wind blowing harder and harder every time. Chay and Macau were caught in the middle of the rain the dorms weren't too far but in this weather god it felt like they would never get them.

"C'MON MACAU THIS ISN'T GOOD WEATHER TO HAVE THIS WALK" Chay was screaming at Macau you see Chay had started running while Macau was walking and Chay didn't want to leave him behind so he would stop and wait for him. "I KNOW BUT IF WE RUN AND FALL? THEN WHAT?" Macau responded he wouldn't tell this to chay but he liked walking in the rain it calmed him.

Macau was looking up at the sky enjoying the rain drops fall on his face he didn't even see Chay reaching to grab his hand suddenly he gets yanked he looks down and sees Chays hand in his Chay is running and now so was he. Macau was just focused on his and Chays hands he liked how it felt to the warmth of Chays hand transferring to his cold hand. Before he knew it they were back at the dorms.

Neither of them let go they walked inside the building together hand in hand and walked up the stairs hand in hand, only let go when they reached Chays dorm and Chay had to get his key from his pocket "oh sorry I should've let go sooner" said Chay in a shy embarrassed tone " oh uh no it ok" said Macau.

Their clothes were dripping all over the floor Chay gave Macau a change of clothes and hoodie and some Pj pants. While Macau was changing in the bathroom Chay was making hot chocolate once Macau came out from the restroom Chay went in to change "THERES HOT CHOCOLATE IN THOSE MUGS GET ONE IT'LL WARM YOU UP..... DID YOU DRY YOUR HAIR?" Chay said in a loud voice so Macau could still hear him " OK THANK YOU UHHH NO I DIDNT BUT ILL BE FINE I DONT GET SICK EASILY" said Macau and Chay walks out of the bathroom with a dry towel and walked towards his bed.

"Come here I'll dry your hair you can keep drinking your hot chocolate" said Chay in a ordering voice. Macau grabbed Chays hot chocolate and set it down in the bed side table next to Chay and sat in between Chays legs "will you tell me what wrong now?" Macau asked him while sipping his hot chocolate. They talked almost all night Chay told him all about his relationship with Kim of course he never said his name but he didnt have to Macau already knew. Macau didn't understand how his cousin could just treat someone as kind as Chay like that. They eventually fell sleep after hours of talking, laughing, and trauma dumping.       

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