Hey I'm Not Going No Where

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For the following weeks Macau had only eyes for Chay. After class Macau would leave and look for Chay in the halls he would sit with him in lunch walk him to his dorm and would stay for a while to eat dinner with him or to watch a movie. Macau started thinking maybe he was being to clingy but Chay never seem to mind it. 

Everything was going great Chay started to look forward to go to lunch he had someone to talk to now someone who would actually listen. Now dont get me wrong he had Mark but it was kind of hard to talk to him since Vee was always around. "Ok Chay what are our plans for tonight, maybe you can come over you have not came over to work on the project like you promised Pete" said Macau looking at Chay like he was the only person sitting in that table as if they were not surrounded by other students. "Uhm actually I dont know if we could work on the project today I kinda agreed to help out at the music club today" said Chay once Mark heard that he turned his head to look at Chay, "The music club? I thought you quit that club you dont even go anymore or wait is it god Chay dont tell me you are going just because your mystery boyfriend told you he would be there today. Cmon Chay he probably wont even show just go do the project with Macau" said Mark in desperation he was tired of seeing Chay being used like a dog playing fetch.

Macau walked Chay to the music club the whole time they talked Macau was feeling a bit jealous I mean there he was trying to get notice by Chay yes Chay would look at his but he was not Seeing him that bother Macau so much. Although it was annoying he knew things would be like this. "Thank you for walking me I'll stay for maybe just 30 min then I'll leave and we can go work on the project together" said Chay Macau was taken back he would've never thought Chay would volunteer to give up time with Kim for him. In reality Chay had seen Kim leave through the back door of the music room so he would just sit there and just practice clear his head.

Chay had never felt confused about his feeling he always knew what he wanted and what he wanted was Kim but now theres a new guy giving him all the attention he wants someone who clings on to him just as much as he clings on to kim. Someone who listens and gives him advice someone who is motivating him again making him feel like himself again. This was new to him with this came a lot of fears. Chay closed his eyes fell asleep on the music club room thinking about everything.

Chay opened his eyes he was still in the music club room but he wasn't alone. Someone was there sitting on the floor next to the couch were he had fallen sleep. "Macau?" asked Chay a bit hopeful "since when do you call me by my cousins name?" asked kim in a teasing voice " oh sorry i just thought, when did you get here?" asked Chay not looking at him he knew Kim would see the disappointed look on his face "I missed you and I had to leave to the studio there was something wrong with my recording they needed me ASAP I was hoping you would still be here waiting for me and thankfully you are .... as always" said Kim but Chay didnt like that last part. He felt like Kim was basically saying that no matter what Chay would always wait for him.

Macau was waiting outside for Chay he saw him coming out and right after he saw Kim. Anyone would think Chay and Kim were just club mates Macau found this very interesting there was nothing there maybe they were just good at hiding it but not that couldn't be. Macau had study Chays body language before this was nothing like at the beginning something was off but he didnt know what it was. 

Chay walked back to his dorm head facing the floor watching his every step well not really he bumped into someone before going up the stairs "you should watch were you going" said the random voice "you should move out the way people are trying to get up the stairs" said a familiar voice Chay looks behind him and sees Macau and all of a sudden his night and mood had gotten better .

Chay changed and they agreed to go out and eat dinner after that Macau and Chay went to the minor family home. Pete welcomed Chay with a hug and thanked him for keeping his promise. There was a situation Pete and Vegas had to go handle they left them alone in a house full of maids and bodyguards.

They work on the project for like an hour then Macau started complaining that his head hurt that his brain was full that he needed a snack he needed water. Macau tried everything to get Chays attention but he soon realized Chay is focus and once Chay is focus nothing can break that focus. Macau couldn't help but look at the wavy hair boy that look of concentration and focus had him on a hold he wanted Chay to look at him like that like there was nothing else more important than what was right in front of him.

It was 3 AM and Pete and Vegas where now home asking Chay to stay. "Thank you for the offer but I don't want to bother I'll go back to my dorms i can get a taxi is fine" said Chay "nonsense you let our boy stay in your dorm because it was late we are returning the favor." said Vegas then looked at Macau and wink at him "you are staying end of discussion" said Pete while handing Chay some new and clean pjs then taking Vegas by the hand and walking away 

Chay and Macau stayed awake talking "you and my cousin are dating right, his the asshole that keeps making you cry" said Macau he was tired of hiding the fact that he knew who it was he didn't care anymore. "Yes it is" said Chay not being able to lie to Macau now Chay felt some type of relived he did not knowing keeping something like this to himself would be so heavy and soo exhausting. 

Chay grabbed a blanket and started laying it on the floor "what are you doing?" asked Macau as he closed the bathroom door "oh im just setting up my bed" said Chay while throwing the pillow on the floor. "why tho you are ganna sleep in the bed with me" said Macau while walking towards Chay "uh no ill lay on the floor I don't want to be disrespectful" said Chay "disrespectful? my brother and his boyfriend don't care plus is not like we haven't shared a bed" said Macau while picking up the blanket and pillow "just get in the bed if you are that worried you can lay under the blanket and I'll use this one" said Macau while holding the blanket Chay had lay on the floor. "No its fine you are right it's nothing new" said Chay.

The rest of the night Macau tried to give Chay enough space to move around he kept scooting closer and closer to the edge of the bed. Macau wakes up as he almost fell 'daam i have a whole king size bed and he keeps taking all the space' Macau thought just then he felt chays arm wrap around his stomach "found you" whispered Chay. Macau turned around and scooted closer to Chay.

Chay had tussed and turned trying to find Macau he had kinda gotten used to feeling Macaus presence in the bed he was to sleepy to actually open his eyes too look for him he knew eventually he would find him the bed is big but not that big. Macau felt Chays grip tighten "hey im not going no where im here" whispered Macau "i know i just want to make sure"said Chay in a sleepy whisper while coming closer to Macau his head now berried in Macaus chest.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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