Detention (pt2

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At the end of school Courtney and Duncan were taken by their professor for detention.
Courtney scanned the room and realised everyone in here was a delinquent, which made her stick out like a sore thumb.

"Come on princess we have an hour and a half of this bullshit." Said Duncan

"Hey no talking!" Shouted the Teacher who was supervising the detention.

Duncan just rolled his eyes and sat at the back, Courtney sat next to him as he was the only person she knew.

"Ok now listen hear delinquents, I want no talking at all and no misbehaving at all or else it will end with severe consequences!"

Duncan scoffed at the teacher who was obviously putting on a hard act to be cool.

"Anything to say Duncan?" Said the teacher.

"Yes actually" replied Duncan who stood up as he said it," Why should we listen to a under-qualified, balding, ugly, weak, annoying, gay teacher who isn't even a professor, your just the detention teacher."

The teachers mouth went wide and immediately stormed out.

Duncan looked around at the 13 other delinquents staring at him before he sat down, proud of what he did.

He looked over to see Courtney's stunned face,
"What's wrong baby?"

"I can't believe you did that!" Shouted Courtney

"It's not that big of a deal and anyway now that he's gone it leaves me more time to-" he tried to touch Courtney but Courtney smacked his hand before he could.

"I seriously hate you so much." Said Courtney angrily.

A couple minutes pass by and a smart looking gentlemen walks up to Courtney.

"Hey Courtney! What are you doing here?"

"Oh hey Daniel, this annoying punk got me here" she replied rolling her eyes "Why are you here though?"

"Oh I defended myself to some bully..."

Courtneys face turned to sympathy
"Aw Daniel..did they hurt you?"

"No, a teacher came in before he could do anything....but I got in trouble as-well" replied Daniel.

"Well it's nice to know there is somebody like me here!" Courtney said as she smiled.

Daniel smiled and sat beside her.

Duncan's pov:

I gave that nerd a death glare, who does he think he is talking to MY princess...

I tried to talk to Courtney but she was talking away to him.

I had to do something to get her attention.

"Hey court, when we get back we should go to Gwen and Trent's dorm." I said trying to sound polite.

She just nodded her head and faced that nerd Daniel again.

He's not even good looking like me. I mean seriously how could she sit there and laugh and look so beautiful but talk to him of all people!

The bell rung meaning detention was over and grabbed Courtney's hand while she was saying goodbye to Daniel and pulled her out of the room.

"What was that for?!" Exclaimed Courtney.

"How do you know him?" I asked.

"Oh I met him on the first day here, he's super nice we always have lunch together." She replied.

Jealousy formed in my eyes but I didn't want her to know.

"Whatever.." I said walking to the dorm

Courtneys pov:

That was weird...

Why is he so freaked about Daniel? He's just a really good friend and it's none of his business anyway.

I walk up to the dorm and as I entered the room I saw Duncan passed out on the sofa. I wondered how he could've been asleep in the space of 15 minutes but then I saw the sleeping pills on the floor.

"Oh Duncan..." I mutter to myself.

I sit beside him on the sofa, playing with his hair, when I soon fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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