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They didn't tell the girls straight away.

Not out of fear of how they'd react because both them of them had been more than supportive from day one, but because they wanted some much-needed time alone. Time to adjust from being friends to lovers, getting comfortable with touching each other when they wanted to without feeling guilty and initiating any sort of intimacy that still made their toes curl.

Lisa was no stranger to sex, in fact, she enjoyed it immensely (at least in the moment of it she did). There was just something about having her hands all over a woman's body, hard and soft in all the right places, hearing the sounds they made and the messiness of sharing a kiss after going down on them.

With Jennie, it was all of that and so much more.

It was the way sweat gathered at the column of her throat, how she smelled of sweat and perfume, the heady taste of her on her tongue, and every little thing in between. She would kneel for that woman for hours and never get tired or she could lie back and watch Jennie's body as she bounced and rolled her hips to take what she wanted. But what she adored the most was how receptive she was to every touch and whisper.

It had nothing to do with feeding her ego, it was about how much Jennie trusted her to be vulnerable in the moment with her. To let herself go, scream as loud as her throat permitted, beg without feeling humiliated and not be ashamed for loving the way she did.

She was aware they were going through the honeymoon phase where everything was still shiny and new. Where they couldn't keep their hands off each other and wanted to spend every waking second together.

And weeks later, the heat between them hadn't dissipated however Jisoo and Chaeyoung had most certainly noticed that something had changed. They were nice enough not to say anything, even if Chaeng insisted on giving her cheery thumbs up when she thought Jennie wasn't looking and Jisoo had that knowing look in her eye like every mother did. She had told Jennie as much when they were cuddled up on the couch with the TV playing some reality show in the background and the woman laughed.

"I've definitely noticed."

"We can tell them just before the Europe tour? We'll still have another week to ourselves."

"Ok baby."

Hearing Jennie call her any sort of pet name still made her smile something wild as warmth filled her chest. It had started during their trainee days and stuck with them throughout. But now, there was more behind the words; the looks and smiles they sent each other while in front of the camera as the world watched on weren't just looks and smiles. They were all the things they couldn't say to each other previously. They were I adore you, I choose you and I'm so in love with you.

The newfound happiness that surrounded her was hard to supress because while she cherished all of her private moments with Jennie, she also wanted to scream it from the highest rooftop like the romantic that she was. Jennie was equally as bad at hiding it as she was and seemed to be on a mission to prove why she earned the nickname Jenduekie in the first place. Lisa loved it.

So it didn't surprise her when Jennie shifted from her position to climb onto her lap and started twirling her naturally wavy hair. The deep brown eyes above her were gentle and open before she leaned down to kiss Lisa on the cheek, her nose and then her lips. Sweet and pliant, Lisa palmed at the thighs bracketing her hips and ran the pads of her fingers along pale skin.

"I still can't believe this is real sometimes." She admitted in a whisper, turning her face to catch Jennie's mouth in another chaste kiss.

The arms she thought would drape over her shoulders gripped them instead and then tilted into a push as Jennie followed her down. Lisa landed on her back with a mouthful of the girl's hair that made her laugh and spread her legs wider to accommodate her better.

i can stop the tears if i want to | jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now