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Words weren't exactly her forte, she knew that and was ok with it. She wasn't quite fluent and she wasn't known to be terribly eloquent either. Her love language was most certainly touch and acts of service and it worked well for her.

After their relationship went public and caused chaos (the good kind), Lisa adored the fact that they would no longer have to hide themselves and revelled in the way she could freely interact with her girlfriend without being grilled or analysed. She could hold her waist, lean on her, make eyes at the woman, intertwine their fingers and annoy her to her heart's content. Jennie could cuddle against her, openly admire her, wear her clothes like they were her own and gush about what they had.

They also saw the backlash they had been expecting and she remembered holding Jennie as she read the scathing articles and hateful comments. As much as the older woman tried not to, she still cried when the words sliced at her and the hate crawled underneath her skin. Lisa cried with her because Jennie never deserved to experience how unkind and ugly people could be regardless of whether she was her girlfriend or not.

So at BLACKPINK's first public outing after their announcement, Lisa was not afraid to step out of the van as the cameras flashed. She was unapologetic as she walked the red-carpet holding Jennie's hand in her own, fingers intertwined with Chaeng and Jisoo by their side.

Once they entered the venue, it was inevitable that all attention was on them; some observing, others curious and a small number of them smiling encouragingly with their eyes. Throughout the night, there had been a surprising amount of discreet pats on their backs and bright glances that were brief but sincere. Although they had both already come out as women who loved women, they knew that there was still a long way to go before homosexuality and bisexuality would be fully accepted.

It was tolerated at best, ignored majority of the time unless it had the potential to be particularly scandalous and completely glossed over when it mattered most. It shouldn't have been the norm, but the weariness Jennie initially held onto had disappeared and in her place was the bold, strong woman Lisa immensely enjoyed seeing.

It was the Jennie Kim who held onto the side of her face fondly in front of their fellow artists and producers alike, it was the Jennie Kim who kept looking at her like she was her entire world, and it was the Jennie Kim who kissed her right on the mouth because she was in love.

And Lisa could never resist her, so she happily fell into the kiss with a hand at the brunette's back to keep her close and smiled like a fool. There was no magical moment where the rest of the world faded into nothing, though Lisa's focus was entirely on her girlfriend and the firm knowledge that nothing as stupid as the media and the close-minded could break them apart.

"God, I love you." Lisa chuckled against her lips, hands coming up to cup a sharp jaw.

"I love you too."

It was a quiet whisper but the words themselves were louder than anything else around her for miles.

Lisa especially adored that at the end of the night, Jennie refused to give back her blazer that she had been donning ever since she complained about being cold. In all honesty, it clashed with Jennie's outfit, yet she looked completely adorable and seeing the brunette in her clothes always made her giddy. As they left the event and split up into different vehicles for the sake of the cameras, she smiled wordlessly at Jennie, knowing she would be in her arms an hour later.

Lisa had just changed into comfortable shorts and an old t-shirt when Jennie appeared in the doorway of her bedroom, still in her fancy outfit and heavy makeup.

"Nice blazer." She smirked, eyeing her from head to toe appreciatively.

The shorter girl flipped her hair over her shoulder in response. "Thanks. My girlfriend was being an absolute gentlewoman and gave it to me when I got cold."

i can stop the tears if i want to | jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now