Chapter 2: Radha

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"Frickin, god dammit Jay, I told you to stay away!" I shouted, jabbing a finger at his chest. "Now look at what you got us into!"

"It wouldn't have happened if you could keep your sorry mouth closed!" Jay threw his hands up. "How the hell is a guy supposed to drive when you keep snarking comments about his driving skills!"

"Ohhhh, so it's my fault you're such a bad driver and got us into an accident !" I retorted sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Umm...., guys, I think the old lady is calling us...," Sahira said in a small voice. But I wasn't done here. I made a sign for her to go with Sid while I continued to glare at Jay. He just glared back.

"If we're going to the police, or court for that matter, you will be guilty," I say, narrowing my eyes.

"I'll make sure that you come with me," Jay said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Sure, take the girl with you, such a gentleman you are, Jay," I say with a fake smile.

"Unfortunately, it's hard to be a gentleman with a wild animal, you know? They don't really understand the difference," Jay said, failing to stop the smirk tugging at his lips.

"Don't even think about going down that road," I warned, lifting my finger in his face.

"Truth hurts, darling," Jay shrugged, clearly pleased with himself.

"Arghhhh! I frickin hate you, Jay! I hate you! I would rather die than spend another second with you!!!" I yelled. It literally took everything in my to not leap and strangle him.

"The feelings are mutual, darling, trust me," Jay nodded solemnly.

"Do not 'darling' me!" I warn.

"When did I ever listen to you, darling," Jay dragged on the last word.

"Just..., get lost you trash can," I throw my hands up, walking past him to join Sahira and Sid.

They were already in deep conversation with the old lady who was standing in front of her car.

"Again, we're so very sorry ma'am, thank you so much for understanding," Sahira said, shaking the old lady's hand.

"Just be more careful next time, kids. You got lucky this time, might not next time," the lady winked before getting back into her car.

Sahira's shoulders slumped as she sighed in relief.

"All good?" I asked.

"Yea, no scratches on her car, thank god," Sid said, rubbing Sahira's back encouragingly. "Sahira is one good persuader, by the way."

The faint blush covering Sahira's cheek didn't go unnoticed by me. I smirked and made a mental note to question her about it later.

"Alright, come on let's go, I'm driving this time," I said, getting into the driver's seat.

"What about him?" Sid asked, pointing to Jay who stood a couple feet away and was glaring at his phone, his eyebrows scrunched up in irritation.

I shrugged. "I say we leave him here. He can get an Uber or something."

"Just because you don't like him doesn't mean we'll leave him on the road at midnight. He's our friend!" Sahira said, lightly slapping my arm as she got into the back seat. Sid went to fetch Jay as I entered our location in Google Maps.

Sid came back with Jay right behind him, Jay's eyebrows still furrowed together in frustration. Good. He's annoyed. He should be.

When Sid slid into the back seat with Sahira, Jay and I immediately looked at Sahira.

"Oh no no, I'm not getting involved between you two. Leave me out of this," Sahira said, lifting her arms up in defeat.

"You want us to get into another accident?" Jay asked, pointing at me. "She'll kill us all."

"Dude, just shut up and sit shotgun. Radha doesn't bite," Sid said, giving me the you better behave look.

"Actually, I have a scar on my arm to prove you wrong. This one time-"

"On the count of three you better be buckled in this seat Mr. Shah, or I'm leaving you on this road," I warned, cutting him off.

"Radha-" Jay started, his eyes wide in anger.

"Three," I dragged.

"You little-"

"Two," I started the car, and the engine roared to life.

"God dammit," Jay said, sitting down and slamming the car door closed with a loud bang that shook the whole car. "Go. Start driving." He shouted, looking ahead and refusing to look at me.

I flinched at his suddenly harsh tone, but got off the shoulder and onto the highway nonetheless.

We drove for a full 10 minutes in complete silence, Sid and Sahira just looking back and forth between me and Jay, watching to see who would start shouting first. But neither he nor I made a noise.

"Okay......., can we turn on the radio?" Sahira asked.

Jay and I responded simultaneously.

"Later," I said.

"No," Jay said coldly.

"You know what, my car, my rules. Play 94.5, Radha. I'm done with you two bickering like an old couple. Just shut up for once, and listen to me," Sahira said, throwing up her hands.

I sighed but turned on the radio. Electric love came on. Lucky us. It is currently Sahira's favorite song. Meaning she was going to sing along. And now, half way through, Sid joined her. And I couldn't resist, I just had to hum along. Jay just looked out the window. Such a moodkill.

And soon, the three of us ended up singing along to the radio for the next hour as I drove us back to the hotel. Jay just stayed quiet. For once. The gods are looking down upon me for once. 

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